Monday, December 18, 2006


Well, yes.. the final went well and I got a good mark in the class and my average went up, so that's all good. But this isn't the "surprise". I'm talking about the phone call I got on Thursday right after lunch which turned my humble Thursday into the most stressful day of life. Ever. Well, did I mention that I went to a job interview a few weeks ago now? The Sask Public Service Commission called me and said they had a job and thought of me so they wanted to interview me. So I went, thinking "I'm signed up for classes, but you can never have enough interview practice". I thought the interview went horribly. It was a small room and VERY hot and I felt sick of hearing myself talk so much. But the Thursday phone call was the job offer. Now I don't know how to say no... most of you should know that, so I didn't say no... and that was interpreted as "yes I accept the position" So I was told when my start date and time was. Yikes! I was stressed through the roof! What was I to do? I was expected to start working for this place and I really didn't want to be! So after a very stressful day and evening, I came to the conclusion that the reason I didn't want to job was because it would POSSIBLY put me behind a semester of school and I wouldn't get a spring break, or a very long Christmas one for that matter... and it's a pay cut for me too... But this opportunity is good because I will gain experience in HR (what I tell people I'm majoring in), in a role that I don't have experience with yet, and at the PSC which is fabulous on an HR type resume... So I figured that yes, I would like this job because I feel the benefits outweigh the negatives. So I will be starting work with a new place starting Jan 3. They wanted me to start 8am on Jan 2. I arrive back on the bus from St. Louis on Jan 2 at 6am... so I asked to start a day later.

I must also mention that I performed a routine at this years Silver Bells Ball. It went well, and the ball was an absolute blast. I danced with a few new fella's and some were even cute! After the very delightful ball a few of us went to a bar that has salsa nights on Saturdays. Dang! Can I dance now! Mike Milette showed me a thing or two on the floor. Yes, I was sweating like a horse and felt very unattractive and everyone else probably thought the same thing... but I had an absolute blast! Until some creepy guy started dancing with me and none of my friends came so my rescue... again with the "no" saying problem!!! But other than that, it was awesome! I'll probably be a professional ballroom dancer when I grow up....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I survived!

Whew, talk about stress and a half! Study the multiple choice questions on-line all night. Then I get up early to catch a flight to S'toon. Get there, no time for coffee :( Start the full day of meetings. Can barely keep my eyes open (literally) for some training computer thinger that will be implemented in January, clearly after I'm gone... Then it's lunch time and we go to John's. It is very much like a Diplomat/Gulfs combination. Very nice. We did a little "gift card" exchange. I must say I got the best one because Marion added a tree ornament shaped as a gingerbread man with hers (the one I got) and it's for HBC. I'm thinking... home outfitters. Then I leave a meeting early to get a cab to the "hanger" we're taking off from. Get there, tell them my name, get myself a coffee and granola bar (I love West Wind). Then the plane is 15 min late!! I was stressing about it all day and then it actually happened! Dang! So then we finally get on and I'm thinking, maybe we can just go super super fast, and we'll still get there on time. NOPE! We definitely sat on the runway in line for another 15 min! Sure was 30 min later than I planned on being! So I'm stressed, drive to school, crazy long line for a tuna sandwich, run upstairs, trip (no I didn't really, but that would have been funny), try to check the computer to see which room my final is in, computer doesn't work, try another one, kick a chair on my way there making aloud noise which caused students to look at me, write on my hand the room number with the new highlighter I got today, back to the sandwich line, no line, get food, go over notes again, the tuna brain food didn't help. Wrote the final and was so kicking myself for having the flu the last day of class!! Should have brought a puke bucket with me and gone to class anyways. Would have maybe been better prepared for the format of the final. Should know my mark on Friday. Have no idea how I did. And that was my day. whew.

Tomorrow it's over to Julie's to decorate her tree! And drink cappuccino's!! Yay!

Monday, December 11, 2006


What a perfect time to blog again, when I'm procrastinating. I have a final tomorrow. I thought I would wait until my work term got better so I would have something nice to write... but I guess that was taking too long since I only have 9 working days left until the semester is over and I still haven't written.
So the work term has been ... uh... challenging. Maybe not the working environment of choice, but I have had a few interesting experiences. One notable one being the week I spent at Agribition. I was in the International Business Centre all week. This means it was mostly full of international business men. I was the youngest female there by 20 years. I'll let your imagination do the rest... I have had one old guy from N. Ireland try to contact me a few times now. Of all the people I exchanged business cards with... why him?? Why not a young, hot business man who isn't creepy mc creep creep?
So now that work term is dying down, I'm gearing up for Christmas!! I have a few "creative" ideas for Christmas presents this year... I'll let you know how they turn out.
I sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel at my church's Advent Music festival last night. A few people had positive comments, so I may even consider doing a solo again. Practice makes perfect right??
The Regina Ballroom Dancing Club Ball is on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm a part of the women's meringue routine. Should be a good time!
And after all the excitement of Christmas is over, I'm jetting out of here on a bus. midnight of Christmas Day. I'm heading for St. Louis for Urbana. I've never been before, but I've heard only good things about it. It's a student mission convention. I've found out that Ben from CLBI will be going too!! So that makes me not so scared... hopefully he and I can connect down there, that would be sweet!
And with that, I guess I should maybe go study. Wish me luck! I have to fly to S'toon for work tomorrow morning and back at 4pm, arriving in Regina (hopefully) at 4:45pm. My final starts at the opposite side of town at 7pm. Talk about stress!! Man I hope the plane isn't delayed.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Bridesmaid Extrodinaire

Well, work today was great! I was busy! And a client actually called me for some information! So exciting. I'm starting to get the routine of my job. This is great! YAY! And I may also be in a good mood because it was pay day today! he he. and yes, I did take the opportunity during my lunch break to spend my pay cheque (not all of it). :)

Julie's wedding last weekend was great. Picture before the ceremony, which I thought was weird, but they look great because we're not sick of smiling at that point. The ceremony was beautiful and I ALMOST cried but not quite. Then the reception. I was a co-MC. It went awesome!!! People even laughed at my lame jokes! and afterwards lots of people came to tell me I did a good job. I'm sure they also went to find Jason and tell him that he did a good job too. But yeah, it was great fun. And here are a few pictures from last Saturday for your viewing pleasure!
Us girlies!
The Wedding Party

Julie and Jon

My personal favorite. Feel free to view this one larger!

Friday, September 08, 2006

One down

I have now finished one week of my work term. I show up to work and nothing was ready for me. I spent the entire morning phoning between Saskatoon and Ottawa to find someone who could tell my password and passcode to sign onto the computer. That was frustrating and a half. And when I finally got all that, I discovered I had no hard drive in my computer. But my supervisor knew that... she just didn't tell me. so I used the lap top all week (until this afternoon when my hard drive finally came!!!). I had to try and do work "remotely" over the internet. So that sucked because I didn't have "authorized access". But yesterday I went to a conference with my super. It was great to get an overveiw of all the different departments in the West here and see a broader picture of where I fit in. And free lunch, drinks, and snacks all day is great too! Next week there a converence in Saskatoon from Wednesday until Friday. My super assumed I could go... but I told her I was in a wedding that Saturday. So I will be driving up with her on Wedneday (yes, my mom's b-day) and flying home on a private air line. I will be staying at the Sheratin hotel while in Saskatoon (one night). So that's all really exciting for me.

I am taking one night class this semester. I'm taking Consumer Behaviour. Should be a good class. We will have a group project this semester and I already have been asked to be someone's partner. She seems like a really great lady! I'm actually excited about a group/partner project because my partner seems so great.

I'm planning a lingerie shower for Julie. The plans are coming along great and the RSVP's are coming in slowly. The only problem will be my arrival time from the Saskatoon conference. Julie's shower will be the very same night. I do not have to go into work the next day because everyone will still be at the conference... but it will be a challange to coordinate myself getting home and getting all the food and game props to Julie's house and get her house set up (how will I get in without her knowing? I just reminded myself I need more coordination here...) Yeah, so it may be a gong show. But we'll see. I got my dress back from the seamstress last weekend. It fits really well now! Yay for getting it taken in.

Well, that's all for now!

Love, Anne

Sunday, August 27, 2006

well wow

Well, wow, I must say I am exhausted. I have had quite the evenful summer since I've been back in Canada. I had the poison ivy for two weeks at camp. All I have left now are some scars on my legs. I finished up camp this week with a really great life guard, Danielle, who I clicked really well with. I have a week before I start my new job!! I was bombarded with interviews as soon as I was on Canadian soil. I applied for a few jobs and there was one I actually wanted, a marketing position for International Trade Canada. Anyways, I was offered a few jobs right on the spot which was stressful becuase they weren't the one that I wanted. So when the co-op office called me Tuesday two weeks ago to tell me I have "formal offers" and I had to either accept them or decline them in 24 hrs and neither of those were from the ITC job either... I didnt know what to do! I had prayed for God's will and I was so confused because I didn't know if God was saying "be patient, I will provide" or if He was telling me He had a different job in mind for my fall. So I asked if the office had heard back from ITC at all (maybe offering some one else the job, which would make my decision easier!) But they hadn't. So I said I would accept the job with United Way if they didn't hear back from ITC in the 24hrs. and wouldn't you know it... ITC called withint those 24 hrs and wanted to offer the job to me. So I will be working in down town Regina this fall for ITC in a marketing position. YAY!!! I'm so happy!

And in this week, I have many errands to accomplish before Julie's wedding, before I start a job, before I register for a night class this semester... oh man, so much to do! But I'm sure things will be fine if I can't get everything done. oh yes, exciting things are happening. showers galore for Julie, decisions I have to make about my future,and finding time to see eye doctors and family doctors before I get too busy.

Ole came to visit me today. what a great highlight. What a crazy guy. It was very nice to see him again. Oh Bible school.... I wish I could re-live that year over and over again. wow.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tee Hee!

Thanks Kortney!

Now that I'm feeling loved, I guess I should write more. I got home from Oz with an entire TV crew waiting for me at the airport... ok... so they weren't waiting for me. But dado got them to point their cameras at me so I would think I was on TV. They were really there for the red paper clip guy who's plane was scheduled to come in right after ours. Had a day to sleep and "recover" and then started a St. Johns first aid course. After that was done I had 3 job interviews for my co-op job in September. That afternoon I flew with my family to visit relative in Ontario!! And I had SUCH a good time as I always do when I get to see my cousins, auntie, uncle, and grandparents. Got back to Regina and my luggage sure didn't make it. So I had to re-think my outfit to wear at Larry Girl's wedding as I was her guest book person (which is not a very hard job). Larissa's wedding was Sunday and then it was off to camp on Monday. I am now back from my first week of camp for the summer. three more to go! I was at conestoga... which means it's the teen campers and we sleep in covered wagons and such. It was a really really amazing week and I'm SO tired today. and yes. I did get poison ivy again. and yes, i am still allergic to it. the entirety of my shins and calves are covered with tiny bumps excpt for the few spots that are big white hard blister type things. NOT COOL! and my knee is still bothering me... so wide games were quite the challange. anyways, this week I'll be lifeguarding at the main pool, so I should be far away from any more poison ivy. this week will be a junior week too, so that means I will not be needed to teach swimming lessons. so it will be fun to have a little less responsibility than I did this week (with lifeguarding and cabin leading). Yes! So I'm back at home and almost all settled in. And yes, I'm still really good at keeping busy.

Hey Kortney, how are wedding plans??

Monday, July 10, 2006

OK, I'm going for real now. But I'm just so excited to see you all soon! :D OK, supper time. But I'm excited!!! I don't know if I'll be able to sleep. And maybe that's a good thing. then I will sleep on the plane. Ok, I'm excited. Pray for my safe trip will ya? Thanks!

Love excited me!

Saskatchewan Bound

Greetings all.

Well Friday night I had a "Farewell Dinner" at Robyn's house. Anna and Leigh, Shane and Noni, Robyn and her friend Dianna, and another guy who I had apperently met once before in passing (I didn't remember but apparenlty he did). Food was great (I helped by stirring). Dessert was better. Between courses Robyn gave me a bag full of small presents each one with a story. That was real great that I was able to make memories with her. Then after dinner we sat and watched footy and talked in the living room. The last time I will ever sit in my recliner ... Then Shane and Noni loaded me into their car (with my HEAVY HEAVY bags). and Shane, Noni, army boy and I waited for my 30 min late train at the Albury station. The last time I'll ever catch a train there... no more weekend trips to Melbourne.

Then I took a night train to Sydney. I sat beside a goth guy who I don't think had showered for two weeks. He smelled like I did when I got back from my camping in the outback. But he was sweet. Put his black jacket over my when I was trying to get some shut eye... too bad it smelled. lol. Then I got into sydney and took a taxi to the other side of the block (yes my bags are that heavy) and stored my luggage for the day. Then I went to meet Marcey at her hostel and we went to get the bus to Hillsong church. We went to the auditorium out of the city central and it was AMAZING! Imagine church like that every day! Wow. And even thought the church was so huge (lots of people), everyone talked to you like you were long lost friends! so friendly. I thought it would be real hard to have a sence of community with so many people... but I guess that's not the case! We sang all songs that neither of us knew... but they're all on the newest hillsongs cd (which we didn't buy but thought about buying). My bags are way too heavy to add anything more to them.

Then Marcey wanted to do some souvenier shopping at Paddy's market so we went there and she hopped while I was tired and bleary eyed. I did buy a scarf myself... so she wasn't the only shopper... but she was on a mission and she was the only serious shopper. Then she called her blind date and he came to meet us. Still Marcey had not told me what she wanted to do for accomodation that night. She did want to have this blind date so she could get a free dinner out of the deal... but I wasn't really that interested in being a tag along on her date... and she had a hard time deciding where she wanted to stay for the night... so I called my mate from school, Kim. And he came and picked me up and took me back to his place for supper. I slept very good until Marcey called this morning and woke me up. said she was going into town to shop, siad she stayed over at Dan's and that I could stay there too and he'd drive us to the airport tomorrow and I could meet her for soup at 12:30 if I wanted. So I said I'd stay here for the next night (Kim and his wife had made plans to take me to the Blue Mtns and cook a fancy dinner for my last night in Australia). So Marcey and I will not be spending out last night in Aussie land together. But we will be spending a 15 hr flight beside eachother so it's ok.

So today I was driven to the Blue Mtns for the second time. And today was NOT foggy!!!!! Victory!! And the veiws were sensational!! It was so great! I saw all three of the three sisters. Then Kim and I went to some cascades and I got some pretty quality photos there too. And then on the way home Kim drove me over the oldest bridge on Australia's mainland (there is an older one in Tassie). I got a photo of that too. I can show you tomorrow in person!!

So it's dinner time soon, one more sleep, and then plane time. Tomorrow night I will be sleeping in my own bed in my own neighbourhood. The first thing I will doo when I arrive at my home (after hugging mom and dad at the airport) will be to find my "killer cat" and hug the life out of her on my living room floor. Then eat DQ. Then my mom's cookies and dad's pancakes. Ah yes, it will be good to be home.

I will see you all very very soon. It has been great sharing these adventures with you guys. See you soon!

love, Anne

Friday, July 07, 2006

Just Quick

The desert trip was OUTSTANDING!!! I had more than a blast. SO SO SO good! I am in Albury tonight for a farwell dinner. Then I will catch the train at 11pm with two VERY heavy bags. Then I will be in Sydney... hoping to check out Hillsong church. Then Tuesday morning it will be airport time for another LONG trip across the world arriving Tuesday night strangley enough... I will update you later about the dessert trip because... well... you know me, somethings only happen to me. So have a great day all and try not to miss me too much! I will be home soon!!!

LOVE ME!!! :)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Trek to the Center.

Yes, 4:20 am comes early in Australia too. Being busy with school and me being a fabulous procrastinator left only a 4:20 am bus as my mode of transportation to Alice Springs to meet up with Marcey. Another catch... I have a day to kill in Melbourne and a day to kill in Adalaide and 3 nights of "sleeping" on the dreaded bus. I told you about my new Jewish friend. And my day morning in adelaide, the city of churches, was spent trying to find a church to attend! With no such luck, I wandered and did the sight seeing thing. Free chocolate samples at the chocolate factory, walked through the botanic gardens, and cruised up and down the river on Popeye II. Back to the bus station nice and early. Waiting and watching for my bus through the giant glass windows. I see a greyhound finally pull up, but it's going to Darwin, not Alice... so I sit and wait more. I watch all the people get on and then the bus drives away... now it's past 6 and I go to the Premier Bus counter to ask them if they know where my Alice bus is. then told me it just left! apparently Alice springs is on the way to Darwin! AH! The same type of panic hit as when I was lost in California b/c I got on the wrong bus. I tell you, me and busses do not get along. But through my tears, the Premier guys decided to help me and they gave me a supper reduced rate on their bus to get me to Fort Augusta to catch up with my bus before it left it's supper break there at 11pm. Whew, so I boarded the bus and finally calmed down. Only to me. Only to me. Once on my proper bus at Fort Augusta, my seet was occupied by a sleeping woman... so the only other place to sit (that wasn't being slept on) was beside this abo guy. well, the entire bus was full of abos. it was actually very intimidating. But, my new abo friend Theo, let me sit with him. He's an opal minner in Coober Peedy. Neat. We hit 2 kangaroos on the highway. serves them right for punching my eye!

I arrived in Alice later than Marcey and she even let me have a shower before we rushed to the flying doctors. The best part of the Flying Doctors was the coffee and cheesecake was ate in the cafe at the end. lol. Oh yes, and one tip, when posing with the dummies in the stretcher for a picture... do not attempt to hold their hand with a concerned look on your face... their arm will fall off.

So we're up early an on our way with a tour bus heading to Kings Canyon. as the sun started to rise we stopped for camel rides. It's a pretty bumpy ride. but I was wedged between two humps... so I didn't fall off. We walked around Kings Canyon and wathced the sun set over a dried up salk lake. We ate camel for supper (how ironic) and slept under the stars in swags. another early morning to watch the sun rise over the red sand dunes. Wlked around the base or Uluru (Ayers Rock) and then walked through the Olgas. yes, my knee was not happy. we watched the sun set opposite of Uluru so we could see the "colour changes" on the rock. It was pretty neat. and it's at this time that ayers Rock looks briliantly red. We ate kangaroo for supper. Slept in swags under the stars and I fell asleep after seeing 7 shooting stars.

Last day of our tour we watched the sun rise beside Ayers Rock. Our "coach captin" (not bus driver) took us on a mini tour around Uluru and told us some of the spiritual stories along the way. pretty nifty. We stopped at Jim's Place on the way back to Alice and Marcey played the piano there. And a dingo jumped onto the keys as she was playing and started howling! lol. I took pictures when I wasn't laughing... so we don't ahve a lot of pictures because it was too funny! And then the tour was over and we were happy to shower. I met Mulga, the tour owner guy and he let me try on his fuzzy pink hat. I actually saw him again today in Adalaide! Small world.

Now it's back to albury (via night bus that I will not miss) and them camping again on Monday! After that it's back to Sydney for my final weekend in the Souther Hemisphere. Then I will see you all Tuesday at the airport!!

love me!

Sydney Adventure

Ok, now for the belated sydney adventure. Three assignments due on Friday... I worked like a crazy mad man and finished by Thursday around 5pm. Then a rush pack job and Anna dropped me off at campus to hand everything in on our way out. We drove north on the Hume highway until we reached her mother's houe for the evening. we spent the night there. Stunning. WOW! Her mother rents the house from a guy in Sydney. It is on a farm (but someone else rents and farms the land). The house is OLD and has the high ceilings and beautiful furnature, fireplaces in all the main rooms, wall paper, you get the picture. Basically my dream home. so after the tour I was served homemade punpkin soup! Picture dad's carrot soup (the same thickness and creaminess) but with pumpkin and not carrot and rice. VERY good, but also a bit spicy so I had to have a piece of homemade bread to ease the fire on my tounge. YUM! Slept in one of the many rooms and was surprisingly warm (winter here and no central heating).

Up for an early start to the Blue Mtns. We got there and drove down into the veiwing area. Where did the fog come from? Yikes! So we payed for our parking and walked thorugh the visitors centre and looked at what the veiw was supposed to look like. Then we attempted to see some thing, anything, off the veiwing area. nope. nadda. Just white. all white! It was actually kinda creepy becuase you had your eyes wide open and still all you could see was white. crazy. so we walked down the slippery and wet path to the base of the first of the Three Sisters. Anna didn't want to walk down the steep stiars... and truthfully, my knee wasn't feeling up to the task either. so I saw a vage outline and back to the car we went. We finished the drive into Sydney and stopped at the largest mall in the Southern Hemisphere on our way into central Sydney. Here I bought a pair of shoes. they have heels. oh my word. checked into a hotel (Anna's more of a five star girl... not a hostel type girl). and walked (in my new shoes) to Darling Harbour for supper! What a good veiw. And the food was only ok. But after supper we walked to the other side of the harbour for cheesecake and coffees. That was the good part!

Saturday, up early again for some Pitt St. shopping and Paddy's market. We walked over to "The Rocks" to see the rocks, lol, and to look thorugh some markets. walked back tothe hotel though sydney Harbour and stopped for coffees. We drove across the harbour bridge to meet Anna's sister for drinks at the Oaks before supper. Then we went to the trendy side of Kings Cross and ate an exquisite meal at The Victorian Room. Just walking down the street all you could see was a big bouncer tye guy standing infront of the door. Anna's sister just walked right up to him (not something I would do), and he opened the door for us. Up the staricase and into the most magnificent dinning area I have ever seen. Mohogany wood, forest green lamps, big chandeleirs, burgandy apolstery... wow. I could barley read the menue I was too enthrawled with the decor.

Sunday morning Anna and I went to Bondi beach to try to find some great market her sister was telling us about. I guess the weather was too bad, because we never did find it. So we went to the Elizabeth bay house and then Anna dropped me off at the government house. apparently she didn't want to see it too?? But here is where Trevor calls. And he wants to hang out but he and his mates are going to the pub for a very blokey night watching soccer... not a place where Anne fits in. so he wants to meet me now at the National Art Gallery across from the opera house. So I met up with Trevor and we went for coffee in the sweetest place in The Rocks. Then Trevor took me to the 36th floor of the Shangru-La hotel. There is a lounge up there and a seriously breath-taking veiw of the sydney harbour and beyond. We got up there just in time to see the sun set. WOW! the colours in the sky and the reflections in the water. So amazing. Then Trevor (our lawyer friend) says I can order anything on the menu and it will be his treat (as if the coffee wasn't already)... then he noticed the $3000 bottle of wine. He said I couldn't order that. Then he saw the $999 bottle of wine... also I wasn't allowed to order that... so anything with 3 numbers I wasn't allowed to order. lol. too funny. what a character. Still time before he meets his mates, so we drove across the harbour bridge and to a Thai place for supper. at the risk of sounding repetative, it was beautiful. great meal. great company. what a good Sydney night. He dropped me off when we were finished at the place Anna, her sister, and their dad were meeting for supper. Trev went to meet up with his mates and the rest of us went to the pub across the street.

Now Monday, brekkie with Anna's dad. He's a racecar driver. and he too all of us ladies out for a Greek brekkie. I had french toast, so I'm nt sure what was greek about that... Anna and I hit the Sydney aquarium up before our long drive home. So yeah, it's like sea world, finding nemo, and crocodile hunter all rolled into one. Very cool.

And that was my most fabulous weekend in Sydney!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hello people

Well, I guess time flies when you're studying... I didn't tell you all about my weekend in Sydney with Anna. I will fill you in when I have more time. But for now I'll tell you about my last two days. So I was in Melbourne yesterday after finishing the semester in Albury. I got a bus at 4am! yikes. Anyways, I spent the day shopping and sight seeing in Melbourne only to catch a 9pm bus here to Adelaide. Anyways, I was in Melbourne scoping out the parks and government buildings. And On my way I looked up and saw I was standing right infront of the Hard Rock Cafe Melbourne! So I took a picture for you dad ;) Then I went into the parliament gardens and saw this cool fountain thing. Then I watched some guy walk into it. But I still wanted a picture... So I took one. The guy ws standing in the middle (where only his shoes got wet) and he was SINGING his lungs out!! WOW! he was loud. I thought maybe he was "singing in the rain". So walking down the street later that day I saw the singing guy. So I asked him what he was singing. Anyways, turns out he's from Montreal and we toured around some churches and parks together. It was pretty cool. HIs name is Daniel and he's a Jewish guy. He had some very interesting perspectives on life and was quite inspiring. So that was really fun. And I'm out of time but I would like to close in saying that I saw a dog today with three tennis balls all in his mouth at once! who does that?! And then I watched his owner throw the balls for him and I watched him pick up all three balls, one at a time, without dropping any! Now that's talent! I'm catching the bus here in an hour and then I will see Marcey in Alice Springs tomorrow arvo. And then I guess we're going to see the flying doctors. Just guess who's idea that was. lol. TTYL!

Love me

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Isn't he cute!

The new friend I met today. It went well, I'm not hurt! lol.
Here is Noni and I being 'rotic' on top of Huon Hill overlooking Wodonga eating some sort of dessert puff thing. The other direction you can see Albury. We watched the sun go down adn it makes all the hills pink! Very cool. Something I will not soon forget.

My Autum Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! Robyn prepared a yummy breakkie for me in the "breakfast nook". Yes, the first bagels I have had since January at home! Very hard to find in this country. Robyn has been looking since I arrived.
After church I went for morning tea with the ladies. This is Robyn's mom, sister, and Robyn herself! Such the tea party with the cups and saucers! So much fun. Best part was the "dainties"! Yummy!
Julie called while I was in Beechworth looking down this street. My birthday on a sunny autum day! Will that ever happen again??

After dinner in Three Monkey's Tavern. Noni, me, Shane, and Robyn. Dessert is about to arrive!!!

My birthday cake this year. Oh yeah, that was so good. Honey comb covered in chocolate on the top there. YUMMY!!! It was delivered with a sparkler!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Boxing Kangaroo Pictures!

Aww, cute koalas! Just outside of Albury
Aww! Look at the joey in the pouch!! SO cute!
Aww! Look at the roo dancing with me! How sweet!
AHH!!! This is after the blood was all cleaned up. The major cut you can't see. It was inside my bottom eyelid.

The Walabee thought I was pretty funny looking too...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Just so you know

Hello people,

I'm crazy busy here. Just like any end-of-semester time. But I have not written for a while and hope that it hasn't worried too many of you. I'm still alive and no more kangaroo run ins for me. I have assignments (only 2 left now!!) and one final. I have some incentive to get my two assignments done by Thursday. Anna is going to Sydney this long weekend and is taking me along with her. If I get everything done early, we will also be able to go to the Blue Mtns. If not, we will still go to Sydney but for one less day. When I get back from my weekend away, I will have an entire week to prepare for my tourism final on 16 June. It's in the arvo and has 3 hrs allocated for it. Last night in class our teacher assured us that it will not take 3 hours. Well, Anna dropped the key off to her house so I can go there to work on my assignments during the day when no one is home and hopefully get finished sooner rather than later. So I'm off to the library to gather some resources so I can work for the rest of the day! I also got some great study snacks in the mail today from Canada!! Thanks Julie! So I'm ready for 3 intence days of assignments. Yes, just so you are all aware, my procrastination habbits did not stay in the Northern Hemisphere... they followed me here. But I guess I do what I do best. :S

Enjoy the srping weather and I will enjoy *cough cough* the winter weather here. But I must sya, this is the most mild winter I have ever experienced in my life!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

You will never guess!

Only to me could something like this happen. OK, so yesterday I went to the animal sanctuary about 5 min outside of Albury. Oh man, I still can't believe what I'm about to type. OK so at the sanctuary they have heaps of kangaroos just hopping around not in a cage or anything... so it was super exciting when they hopped real close to us when we just stepped out of the door into the sanctuary. i was real excited. and I had a bag of food to feed them right from my hand. So we walked around a bit and saw the fairy penguins and then a bunch of different birds and the emus... then there was a whole field filled with roos. So when I pulled out the food a bunch came hopping over to eat! one big one pushed his way to the front and I was surrounded. the big one put his paws on my shoulders and was looking me in the face. a bit funny I thought. I felt a bit clostraphobic and tried to hold the food bag up and out of their reach. so the big guy with his paws on my shoulders took a swpie for the bag and caught me right in the left eye. OUCH and a half!! I was worried that he had actually cut my eyeball, so I turned around and got right out of their reach. By this time I had what I though was tears streaming down my face. So I went to wipe them. a handful of bright red blood! I was crying tears of blood!! How creepy is that?! It was really scary when I saw it in the mirror. Striaght from a horror movie. So I went and got my eye cleaned out with saline and then the cut on the outside of my eye dapped with antiseptic. So I have a small cut from the claw on the inside of my lower left lid and a small cut on the outer of my lower left lid. Yes, its puffy and blue today... what a great look for my birthday weekend. So yeah, I got punched my a roo and it was a bit scary.

My knee is on the mend and I'm biking with lots more ease today. Doctor said it was fine and yadda yadda yadda. Thanks to all who have sent birthday cards! It sure is nice to know that people are thinking of me while I'm away. This year will be my first ever birthday in autum! So that's exciting.

So have a good ady all and I'll post some killer roo pictures if I get the chance!!

love me

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My day today :)

This is me in Rutherglen eating my first Australian pie. It's meat pie (not fruit). And it was REALLY good!
The first winery we stopped at for tasting... Campbells.
Shane, Noni, me, and Beck. Beck's hubby John is taking the picture.

This is All saints, the second winery we stopped at. Looks like a castle I reckon.

Noni and I. We're close to our last glass of the day here...

So today I spent the morning at the young ladies tea with the ladies from church. I was the odd one out. The only non-married member. I didn't have too much to add in the conversations... maybe in another 5-7 years. But not now, that's for sure. But there was some good coffee and snacks, so I was distracted :) Then The group of us went to Rutherglen for pies and some wine tasting. Shane wants me to add that I was very pleasently surprised with how good my eat pie was at lunch today. I've never been wine tasting before, and I guess Australia is the place to do it. All the vines were looking quite dead (it being winter here now and all...) But the wines were mostly good. You get a sheet of paper with the "reccomemded tasting order" I didn't like the dry whites or the uh... some of the reds, and some wines were even too sweet for me! and I do not like ports. But I kept the list and drew smiley faces by the ones I liked, so I'll be able to show mom and dad when I get home. So Beck's husband was some sort of medical guy in the army a while back. He was interested in the details of my knee and the "recovery" process thus far. His recomendation is to see a doctor. My knee was feeling pretty buggered after all the walking today... but before that it has been very hot to the touch. around the scrape isn't red or inflamed so I didn't think it was infected... but Noni was even surprised with the heat coming off that knee compared to the other... So she's graciously volujteered to take me to the doctor tomorrow. So I guess we'll get this straightened out. i've been icing lots and the swelling has coe down probablt 50-60% from what it was on wednesday. But Noni reckons it may be red around and I'm just too brown to tell! lol. I dunno about that.. but not to worry. I'll keep you posted with the results of the doctor visit.

love me

happy birthday Julie!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thank goodness I was wearing a Helmet!

These are my pants. Yes, that is a hole.

This is my hand... Nice bruise on its way on my elbow...

A bit of a cut on my knee...

Actually, my knee is really sore. Yeah, it was bound to happen. My mode of transportation is a bike... and you have to fly over the handle bars sometime right? Today I was riding from Thurgoona to the visitors centre I've been volunteering at. Today we were supposed to be touring around to all the different visitor type places near Albury. Thurgoona to the centre is quite a ride and only crazy people like me do silly things like that. Since I was on a bit of a time limit, and just like going fast... I was going pretty fast. Australia uses round-abouts lots for their intersections. I was pretty scared of these when I first started riding around but now they're super easy... I'm not too hesitant. Well, today the car infront of me looked like it was going to go into the roundabout... so I didn't slow down. Last minute they decide to stop. So I had to stop or I would run right into the back of them... top speed! So I breaked.. and yes, pushed the right side a bit (maybe a lot) harder than the left. The right side controls the front tire. So I went flying over the handle bars. One minute I'm speeding down the road... the next I'm flying into it. First impact was my knee, then elbow, hand then head. I was wearing my helmet and you can't really see where I hit my head, but if a bruise does come.. I'll be sure to post the picture. My shoes both went flying off and I was in shock. There was a big truck driving along behind me and he stopped in time, thank goodness. The driver comes rushing out and helps me up and to the side of the road. then he grabbed my shoes for me. Next thing I know another guy driving a ute who was heading in the opposite direction was running over and grabbed my bike for me. The guys were really nice and I was shaking a lot. so the guy in the truck left after he was convinced I was ok. The guy with the ute asked me where I was headed and turned his ute completely around and loaded my bike on the back. a few minutes later we were at the centre and he was loading my bike off the back. wow, was I ever thankful for these helpers! I went inside the centre and asked my manager to help me wash up becasue I was still shaking quite a bit. Since the centre is run by volunteers... they're all pretty much retired ladies... it was like attack of the over-protective mom times 12! lol. I was sitting in the back room getting washed up and handed tissue to dry my tears and wow. so the head manager walks in and says "hows my champ" before he even sees the blood from my knee. When he clues in, he was such a help too! So I went along with the tour anyways (i was really looking forward to it). I'm fine. My knee is actually really sore. It's not so much stiff, and I'm sure there will be a mother bruise tomorrow... but seriously! when I crouched down to put socks on when i got home I was nearly in tears again! hoaky nelly! but since I biffed a good one on my bike last summer I know the secret of taking pain killers. So I'm not sure how I'll go with the bike riding tomorrow... good thing I don't have class... and Roz (my manager) told me to take it easy tomorrow and not to worry about coming in. Yes! a whole day for homework! Anyways, I thought mom and dadio would love too see my pictures. Have a good one!

love me

PS. The spiders in Queensland are mutated... JUST HUGE!!!

That is my hand and a very big spider just outside to door to our cabin at Cape Tribulation.

Marcey and I floating down Eli Creek on Fraser Island. I am on a child size floaty ring. Yes, I am cool. and check out that hat!
The two dingo's walking through our camp site on Fraser Island.
The Easter "Bilby" Robyn had waiting for me upon my return "home". Apparently Australia doesn't have bunnies. (check out the tail).
The random surfing camp that I sneekily took a picture of when I was climbing over slippery rocks and falling off them into the oacean... uh, only one pant leg got wet. Anyways, there's a fire there and a bunch of surfers sarming up waiting their turn again on the waves. That will be me when I grow up.

And here I am being a fisherman. Check out that fish! Dunno what it is, but I'm sure it was good... too bad I don't eat fish. This is on Fraser Island again. Ocean fishing... that's the life! (nice hat, eh?)
Marcey and I in the Cairns lagoon... how rotic *sigh*
My friend the Walabee in the car park to wineglass bay, Tasmania
some crazy rainforest tree roots!
ruins of Port Aurthor, Tasmania
Cheers Ed! Queensland beer while sailing the Whitsundays!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Aussie Home

Well, I have been invited to Shane and Noni's for mother's day supper tonight. We're having it today instead of tomorrow because Sunday night is the last Alpha night. Noni called to invite me with the excuse that "I'm part of the family". That was a nice surprise to hear. Put a smile on my heart.

Yesterday was Friday, no school, Anne's sleep in day. NOT this time!!! Colleen called me from school (where she was) and I answered my phone from bed (where I was). She was very excited to invite me over for lunch. Just because. lol. So I got up and did the things I was planning to do in the arvo (afternoon). But didn't have time to get to the big sale to buy myself some long pants pjs! (yes, it's autum here... and COLD!) and since I was planning on studying in Australia for a semester, I was planning on being hot for a semester. But no matter, because when Colleen came to get me, our other friend Megan (from the states), had ditched to go to Melbourne for the weekend. So Colleen and I had a very girlie day full of shopping at the sales and eating out. It was very nice. Then it was back to her new house to watch a movie and wait for her sister to get into town. She up for the weekend frim Melbourne. After she got here we painted our nails and made ourselves supper. Then we "got ready" for a night out on the town! ( this will make it my second one since I've been here). lol. I had colleen dressing me from her closet and adding makeup to my face... it was really rather funny/fun. So we went out to Paddy's the Irish pub. The girls were busy watching for "dingo's" (their slang for cute guys). I got side tracked by the footy match on tv. big game Geelong vs. St. Kilda! I'm going to miss footy when I get back home. So next up, we went to Bended Elbow and left very quickly after some cowboy tripped over us to feed us some of his best lines. we were not flattered and made a bee line for the doors. Next up is Albury's most happening place to be! the Globe. There's two different dance floors on the same level, with two different types of music and dancing. we stuck to the side with the more funky fun type and we had a ball!! three "dingo's" joined us and the 6 of us just had a blast. it's always a hit when ppl hear i'm a Canadian from "Canadia". Anyways, it was real great to be one of the girls out for the night looking fine and feeling better.

So I'm off for the dinner. Thanks for the early early birthday card Julie!!

Keep me updated on the happenings back home! I love hearing all about it.

love me

Monday, May 08, 2006

little bit of home in Albury

so yesterday I felt like I was at home. Julie called and it felt like I was sitting on her couch just chatting like we always do. I also got a letter from my favorite Anne. I always love hearing your adventures Anne! and it is ok that you only met one surfer... because you know me and now I'm a surfer! lol! Thanks so much for the sticker too... probably the coolest thing ever!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

wind and rain

wow, so I went back up the the alps for a geology field trip. It was a gong show. Well, just really funny. It was like we were on a tour of the Great Ocean Road or something. We were climbing in and out of the bus like no other. jump off here listen to someone talk, get back on, jump of here, listen to another person talk, jump back on. the thing that made it funnier was that we were in the apls and it was cloudy and RELLY windy. If you think saskatchewan is windy, you haven't been in the aussie alps. and! the best! we were supposed to go to some loggin site but out bus couldn't get there due to bad road conditions... we had two huge boxes of hard hats that we had been lugging in and out of the buss because they blocked the door... we needed to wear them for the logging deal. so since we can't get to the site, we had out talk on the road. so we're all standing in the middle of a gravel road with hard hats on listening to some guy talk about loggin in the alps adn the affects on the environment. he's trying to point out to us the different veiws but it's SO cloudy that we can't even barley see the guy talking! it was so funny. yeah. so then we go back to howman's gap for our supper. after supper we are all bussed up to Falls Creek (population 38) to the pub. yes, school field trip we are taken to the pub. anyways, here i was introduced to a falls creek drink by the "snow maker". lol. this tall burly grey haired 26 yr old guy who operates the snow making machine in ski season was exceited to show the university girls a new drink. it was rather funny. red bull with yabba blah blah in it... yeah, i dunno what it was called. anyways, the next day was the same thing. in and out of a bus in increddible winds where our fingers were too cold to take notes and we're huddling on a patch of grass listening to david watson talk about how native snow gums adapt to the winter conditions. so funny. but we did get to see some very incredible views of the alps again. i didn't take my camera... and it wouldn't have helped.. the batterites are still dead and the memory card is still full. so yeah.

back in albury after the camp i went to anna's the check my e-mail. she asks if i want to go for a drive. so i say ok. we're on our way to the pet shop to buy her 4 cats a new bed. then, on our way, she starts talking about Beechworth. small town about 40 min away. i told her i hadn't been yet and she was horrified!! it's her favorite place she said! so she turned the car right around and when home so she could change out of her joggers into shopping clothes. So we end up in Beechworth, by far the cutest place I have ever seen (again, no pictures). we looked in all the many different galleries in the town, so beautiful!! then we went driving out of town a bit and saw the gorge! who knew there was so much beauty on my doorstep!!! cool rock formations and incredeble cuts into the earth. then we went to woolsomething waterfall. wow. wow. water cascading down differnt tears of rounded rocks and spilling into a lagoon of crystal water surrounded by rock cliffs! how amazing! so that was a very wonderful afternoon. Anna rocks.

now it's sunday and I've had to wait for 2:30 before I could venture out of the house. it was raining cats and gods all morning!! it's still really windy (and took probably twice as long to bike to school), but that means I'll be really speedy on the way home. so yeah. what a funny weekend. i just loved it.

love me.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back in Albury

Today I'm back in Albury.. ready (?) for school to start. Yes Kristen, the little surf shops in Cairns were very cute and I too loved shopping there. There was also a little market with lots of cool jewlery. I maybe took advantage of that... Went to a very nice church Sunday morning in Cairns. We sang songs that I actually knew! That was exciting. We did end up going to Cape Tribulation and we stayed in some Jungle Villiage. It was really cool. the veiws the frist day were stunning. Really cool where the reef meets the rainforrest. some pretty massive spiders up there. and critters that like to eat bananas... and then sleep in marcey's stuff. next morning it was raining so the veiws were not good. and I didn't bring my rain jacket to the rain forrest... yes I know... you don't have to tell me... but that's just way too predictable. So I wrapped my sorong around my head and topped it off with a giant leaf. I ever tried holding a big branch type thing (imagine the egyptians fanning someone with a giant leaf/branch) as an umbralla... wasn't very good cause the water just ran down to my elbow and I got wet anyways... so picture a black muslem woman with a big leaf on her head... that was me walking through the tropical jungle looking rainforrest with marcey in her also not waterproof jacket. yes, you can laugh now. we saw a suspention bridge that afternoon when the rain stopped and back to cairns for the night. I caught a plane to melbourne and spent the night at Roy's new house! Very big backyard. Krinsten, you really need to come visit. I looked at pictures of Regina on Roys computer. That was funny. Then I trained it home this morning. I was greated with two letters that had arrived when I was gone. Each one, yes, independantly each letter (one from outlook and one from regina) had a tim hortins roll up the rim cup inside!! do my friends know me or what?!!? I was so very excited. both cups said please play again... so we don't have to worry about missing out on a free coffee or anything. Thanks guys for all your comments on here and thinking of me and your prayers. only a few months left until I'm home. I must say I'm excited to be back with all you guys... but today, I'm loving being here where I am. it's a weird feeling.. can't really explain better than that. I also really loved telling all my three weeks of adventures to my mom and dado. i miss you guys.

ok, enough with this sentimental stuff...

tomorrow I'm off to do a geology camping trip and I hear the weather up in the alps is going to be cold!!! brrr!!!! all this 17 weather... I had to get winter boots and wool socks! i hope I can survive the fridgid temps of australia!

ps, my camera batteries are dead. when I get new ones I will post a picture or two... and maybe one of my tan... but don't get your hopes up too high... I'm not really that dark. (hahaha j/k)

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Ah yes, Fraser was so much fun... except when MArcey drove. I was VERY nervous! But it was so great. I we looked for sharks off Indian Head... no such luch. I even climbed down a bit of a cliff (yes mom, Marcey took a picture b/c she was going to show you the location where I died) but I'm super cunning and agile so I was never in any danger... and I still didn't see anything exciting in the waters below.

Whitsundays were INCREDIBLE!! My ears are still full of water from all the snorkelling we did on the Great Barrier reef. SUCH amazing and beautiful things to see under the ocean waters! So many colours and fish!! My favorite was swimming in the schools of tropical fish... until I actually swam with a turtle!!! First I saw a HUGE turtle just lurking around the boittom and eating the weeds that turtles eat... then I was a younger (smaller and not covered in slimmy stuff) and I swam with him as far as I could out to see, until it got too dark and I was afraid our spotter wouldn't be able to see me anymore. All those years of swimming lessons sure paid off in the currents and stuff. Marcey and I were both able to nagivate around in the water quite comfortably. Oh yes, and jumping off the bow of our tall ship in the middle of the ocean was definately a highlight too. Not to mention the colour of my skin... I almost don't recognize myself... Marcey keeps telling me Julie will be so jealous... so maybe I won't post any pictures! hehe. Slept on deck the first night and the second night I slept on top of the roof thing over the wheel. Marcey was quite the entertainment as she tried to get up too.. Just ask her how her bum feels today. She won't let me look to see if there's a bruise.... Now we're here in Cairns. another night train. MArcey and I are both sick. sore thoats, coughing (just a bit) and I feel like all the sinuses are full. So I'm ready for a really really early night to catch up on some sleep! OH!! and today I met Leslie, a digereedoo man. He invited me into his digereedoo shop and taught me how to play. He was very patient with me as I attempted to play... but by the time I left I was getting the hang of it a bit... maybe I will have to get one before I come home.... We'll see. Not sure of the plans while we're here... we haven't booked any tours yet... but that's probebly what we'll do. oh yes, and we had very very excellent coffees today for brekkie. Oh yes, and I took a picture for Ed Miller of me on the sail boat in the whitsundays drinking a real Aussie beer! haha! speaking of which... I bought pills to take to make me not sea sick. they worked. but today I still feel like i'm rocking back and forth.

so yeah, uh... that's about all for now I guess.

ps. i love swimming with turtles!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fraser Island!

Cheeky Monkey's is a bar/pub type thing. Met up with our surfer friends. Yes, I love surfing. And YES!!! Byron Bay is beautiful!! Eastern most point of OZ and the light house was sweet as. I danced on the tables most of the night. all in good fun. Marcey and I went back to our hostel to sleep for 1.5 hrs before our 6:00am bus all the way to Rainbow Beach. Tomorrow bright and early we are heading over to fraser island for our remote camping trip throught sand dunes and crazy fun stuff. I'm excited! And yes dad, I think I will be a surfer when I grow up. I was pretty scared of the ocean the frist day (sharks and all that). But I got lots more comfortable as the week went on and I was standing and surfing and dancing on my board heaps!! It was great fun. I have baord burn on my thighs from all the tricks and jumping around I was doing. lol. Praying mantis on the board is what got me to the finals really.... Anyways, this hostel we're staying at tonight is really beautiful and very cozy. our camping grou (10 of us) all seem very nice and it should be a great next few days!

much love.

i love surfing

Friday, April 21, 2006

Just quick

Just quich to tell you we survived the surfing school. Today was the "competition" I made it to the finals in my heat but lost to a Norwegan girl in the end. Oh well, I'm still pro star. I met the man of my dreams (just kidding b/c I'll never see him again). But I got a kiss on the cheek twice! Uh... yeah, so Marcey and I are on our way into town right now and we're going to dance on table tops at some cheeky monkey something something?? Dunoo, that's where all the surfers are hanging out tonight.

much love from almost a world class surfer....

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Wednesday morning bright and early... just kidding, it wasn't bright yet. Caught the train from Albury to Melbourne to meet Marcey. We made our travel plans for up the east coast. Marcey had been hanging out with a guy named Roy (ooh la la) and somehow convinced him to drive us to the airport. We stopped for a "lunch" and Marcey and I both tried Australia's version of booster juice. YUM!!! Bit pricey though. We caught our Jet Star flight to Launceston to meet up with Malcolm. This is the guy who was on the Flying Kiwi tour in NZ. He picked us up from the airport and took us to Subway for supper. Then it was off to the Newsboys concert!! There was a strange band playing for the opening... they were... interesting. Then the Newsboys! It was great and I sang along.. then they just stopped! But they came back for two more songs, including the ever famous Breakfast song. So we had loads of fun and My only complaint was it was too short. I tried to find the Newsboys afterwards... but they somehow, very sneakily, ditched out of the theatre before I could find them and get autographs. I guess they're busy guys. Then Mal drove us back to his place in Scotsdale. very small town. Very cute town. Friday morning Marcey and I slept in. Mal took us to his parents vegetable farm during his lunch break. Very cool! SOOOO many onions! Then back to his place for a quick sandwich. He dropped us off at the "eco" information centre. eco is apparently a very popular theme in Australia. So Tasmania is cold. So I maybe bought some Tassie wool to knit myself some mittens. Then Marcey and I scoped out all the sites of Scotsdale... uh, art galary (one room) and a doll museum that cost $11 so we just looked in the gift shop. lol. then we headed to the grocery store to buy food so we could make Mal dinner!! How exciting! After work we went to watch him at his footy practice. Then back to his pad for Anne and Marcey made meal! It was pretty filling. YUMM!!

Next morning bright and early we headed out east for a few short bush walks and then to the coast and his parents "shack" on the beach. It is NOT a shack at all. WOW! We were served hot tea (yes!) and fruit cake. Fruit cake seems to be very popular in OZ. Onward to a waterfall, coastal cliffs, A huge bush walk up some boulders (I say boulders b/c the rocks are so BIG and round!! But they are part of the mountain... so cool!), yeah wine glass bay I think it was called. This is where I saw a walabie. And saw it close. there were two just hopping through the car park. All casual... so I walked up real close and stuck my hand out. I was going to pet it, but then I was afraid he'd bite my finger off or smoething... you never can tell with these wild animals. But I was seriously that close. And they're pretty tall... up to my thigh. hop hop hop! We arrived in Hobart Friday night and went out for a very nice dinner (compliments of Mal) and this was my first Tasmanian red wine. I highly reccomend it. Then back to Mal's sister's pace for some Tim Tam icecream! yummy!!! Up early again to make our way to the Hobart Market. Hobart is Australia's oldest town so the town is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE love love it! Yes, I could move there. And Tasmania as a whole is stunning and absolutley breathtaking around every corner! and has great wine! who could ask for more?? So we spent the morning at the market. very cool. Onward to Port Arthur from there. sweet as place full of history and even a fairy ride... yay (not the sarcasm). Spent the arvo there and then checked into our hostel. Out for dinner again (i had some local veneson) with another bloke we met in the hostel, Peter. He's a freelance writer from Sydney.. quite entertaining.

Sunday Mal surprised us girls with Cadbury Easter eggs! What a guy. We did a few more walks to some incredible rock formations along the peninsula. I seriously love this state. wow. And Mal dropped us off in Hobart on his way back home. Us girls toured ourselves around the Botanical gardens, which also happen to be the best botanical gardens I have ever seen. Then to the harbour for some fish and chips... (or a hamburger if you don't like sea food like me). We checked into our hostel and found a 6pm evening easter service. After church Marcey and I made our way to the grand piano to have a go. While we were sitting there... many people came to hear about our travels... wonder what gave it away that we were Canadian?? Anyways, Joyce and Ed invited us back to their home for a cup of hot Milo by the wood fire. So we went to their house and told travelling stories and heard some in return. We were there quite late and Joyce gave us cadbury easter eggs on our way out to eat on the plane in the morning.

Early morning flight (yes still dark out) from Hobart to Sydney today. Now that we're here, we've locked our bags for the day, hope to find a place to crash at Trev's place (another flying kiwi friend). Then tomorrow is the start of our four day learn to surf camp. We will make our way to Byron Bay during this camp... I'm not sure how big of a gong show me on a surf baord will be... but I'll give it my best go. Pray that no sharks eat me!

Love you!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Winter Camping... in Australia

Introducing... the Australian Apline area.
Ah yes, the mighty Mt. Jim. (insert laughing here) Wild brumbies beware, I'm about to conqure Mt. Jim. If a backpacker can do this, a backpacker can to anything! Including...Rise and shine! It's winter camping time! Wait a minute... I'm in Australia! What's going on here?
Liz, me, and Colleen. That isn't snow is it??

Australian Alpine area. Very beautiful.


Introducing.... Volvita! (sorry for all the grass... put the timer on the camera on the ground)

Cleaner guy, me, and April by the dog on the tuckerbox. Very popular here. The cleaner guy was cleaning the pond part around the dog... the pond was added in hopes of distracting people from stealing the statue... it didn't work. colleges still steal it and put it on other campuses. I haven't seen it at CSU yet.
and you're in for a treat. a Koala I saw! isn't he cute?
Oh yes, and this is me standing infront of what you might call a mound of dirt covered in grass. well, it sure is the "underground" lecture theatre I have geology in every Monday. I saw "underground" becasue i think they built the theatre and then piled dirt on top of it. CSU is also home of the "drop toilet" yes, our bathrooms are outhouses but they aren't out. they're in. and it's smelly. so use the toilets in the library, they flush.

Pictures, as promised

CanadiAnne and Marcey at the Commonwealth Games! Go Canada go!! That's the inside of the MCG in Melbourne!
Me and my two survaying friends at the Albury Gold Cup. (I actually wore the pink hat all day, we just traded for a bit in this picture).

My winning horse. I bet $1. I won $5! yay!

Me infront of my classrooms at the Turgoona Campus. I have one class in the room furthest to the right on the second floor on Thursdays and one class in the room furthest to the righ ton the bottom floor on Tuesdays.

Computer lab on the right and prof offices on the left here.