Saturday, May 06, 2006

wind and rain

wow, so I went back up the the alps for a geology field trip. It was a gong show. Well, just really funny. It was like we were on a tour of the Great Ocean Road or something. We were climbing in and out of the bus like no other. jump off here listen to someone talk, get back on, jump of here, listen to another person talk, jump back on. the thing that made it funnier was that we were in the apls and it was cloudy and RELLY windy. If you think saskatchewan is windy, you haven't been in the aussie alps. and! the best! we were supposed to go to some loggin site but out bus couldn't get there due to bad road conditions... we had two huge boxes of hard hats that we had been lugging in and out of the buss because they blocked the door... we needed to wear them for the logging deal. so since we can't get to the site, we had out talk on the road. so we're all standing in the middle of a gravel road with hard hats on listening to some guy talk about loggin in the alps adn the affects on the environment. he's trying to point out to us the different veiws but it's SO cloudy that we can't even barley see the guy talking! it was so funny. yeah. so then we go back to howman's gap for our supper. after supper we are all bussed up to Falls Creek (population 38) to the pub. yes, school field trip we are taken to the pub. anyways, here i was introduced to a falls creek drink by the "snow maker". lol. this tall burly grey haired 26 yr old guy who operates the snow making machine in ski season was exceited to show the university girls a new drink. it was rather funny. red bull with yabba blah blah in it... yeah, i dunno what it was called. anyways, the next day was the same thing. in and out of a bus in increddible winds where our fingers were too cold to take notes and we're huddling on a patch of grass listening to david watson talk about how native snow gums adapt to the winter conditions. so funny. but we did get to see some very incredible views of the alps again. i didn't take my camera... and it wouldn't have helped.. the batterites are still dead and the memory card is still full. so yeah.

back in albury after the camp i went to anna's the check my e-mail. she asks if i want to go for a drive. so i say ok. we're on our way to the pet shop to buy her 4 cats a new bed. then, on our way, she starts talking about Beechworth. small town about 40 min away. i told her i hadn't been yet and she was horrified!! it's her favorite place she said! so she turned the car right around and when home so she could change out of her joggers into shopping clothes. So we end up in Beechworth, by far the cutest place I have ever seen (again, no pictures). we looked in all the many different galleries in the town, so beautiful!! then we went driving out of town a bit and saw the gorge! who knew there was so much beauty on my doorstep!!! cool rock formations and incredeble cuts into the earth. then we went to woolsomething waterfall. wow. wow. water cascading down differnt tears of rounded rocks and spilling into a lagoon of crystal water surrounded by rock cliffs! how amazing! so that was a very wonderful afternoon. Anna rocks.

now it's sunday and I've had to wait for 2:30 before I could venture out of the house. it was raining cats and gods all morning!! it's still really windy (and took probably twice as long to bike to school), but that means I'll be really speedy on the way home. so yeah. what a funny weekend. i just loved it.

love me.

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