Wednesday, March 28, 2007


And what a day that one was! So I get up and leave for work where I'm busy all day, I drive to uni straight from work (stopping for my non-winning roll up the rim at Timmy's of course), I cram for my ch. 13 & 14 accounting exam, go write the exam, listen to the lecture for ch. 9, drive quickly and very safely to the Austrian club getting there with milli seconds to spare before we perform our swing routine for the Wednesday night class, and then home to try and get some laundry done before tomorrow. Yes, why did God design days with so little time?? I'd love to have time to relax and read a book in a bubble bath or something like that... but I'm way too tired and need to sleep so I can live a jammed packed day all over again tomorrow. What is the point? But then again, what is the point of reading in a bubble bath? I guess it really is meaningless and the meaning comes from your passions and not your actions. Too tired to be philosophical... I'm making my own head hurt. Anyways, I thought I'd write about my day as I'm still trying to catch my breath... and checking the class lists for uni spring sessions. The class I need filled up the day before I could register and now I'm checking every second I can get a chance to see if there's magically one seat open for me yet!

(ps. I wouldn't mind your prayers for this small matter) Thanks!

Yes Sam, you're right. a trip to Calgary would have made the weekend unbearably great!

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