Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well I can't even curl my hair let alone on ice with a broom!

So our work social club is having this curling night thing. It’s supposed to be non- competitive... but there are some people who are very serious about their curling. There is even a trophy to be won. It's almost half as tall as me. These people are serious. But to entice novice people like me to show up and make them look even better, they tell us it's "non-competitive". So today at work I organized a little team. There is four of us girls. None of us have a clue what curling is about. I mean, yes, I’ve seen it on TV and I realize that you have to get a rock, or two, into the circle things at the other end and after you throw your rock you have your other people sweeping and lots of yelling to “hurry hard”. So the plan is to go to V Village and hopefully find some old school matching curling outfits. I think that would be awesome. I would also like to wear a hat with a pom-pom on top. I’m not sure why… I just like to be silly I guess.

So I am going to see if I can find an old curling poster in my closet and take it to work to put on my wall and intimidate people who walk by. This is going to be a huge event. I’m going to put on a good game face (and hopefully I don’t wipe out on the ice TOO many times!!)

Well, that’s all for today!

(Two days in a row! How’s that for ya Ryan??)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy smoke! Two posts in one day!
Now Curling, is well, is not that exciting to blog about. ;)