Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hey now...

Hey guys, what's the deal?? I would like to comment of the lack of mail I had been recieving at my new address. I didn't post it just so you could say, "hmm, that's nice, she has an address." you're supposed to actually send me a letter or something to let me know you haven't forgotten about me. So a BIG THANK YOU to my mom. The only person who has succesfully sent me mail in Australia!! Thanks mom!! I love you.

So we have had one assignment due for school so far, and one more due on Tuesday. The projects we are meant to do for classes are pretty cool. I'm glad there's an element of fun along with the element of education. So this weekend will most likely be a stay in Albury and do homework kind of weekend.

Last weekend, let me tell you. SO, Thursday night Marcey and I saw Rent in Melbourne's National Theatre. So the musical was good, but the building was sensational!! MArbel, moldings, chandeleirs!! wow!! Talk about classy! It was very pretty. Almost took my breath away! Well, Almost made me fall up the marbel stairs because I was watching the ceiling instead... Friday morning we left on our make shift two day tour of the Great Ocean Road. Make shift because the tour we wanted that was two days wasn't going that weekend. So we got on a one day tour, got off half way, and got back on the next day. So for our first day we drove on a highway, the great ocean road. Well, it is a highway. beside an ocean. wow. (note the sarcasm). I mean, sure it was pretty to have rock face on one side and ocean on the other, not too often I have been driven beside an ocean... but it was just water. So I was a bit dissapointed as we hopped of the bus for the day. It was HOT, as it usually is down under, so we headed straight for the ocean. AH!! The water is actually cold on the South Coast! So it was very refreshing. So nice. So after we had cooled off, we had a bit of time to explore Apollo Bay. Very cute, lots of surfer shops (finally replaced my bathing suit), great places to eat, a GIANT folding chair which Marcey was actually really excited about. lol. Anyways, we tried to watch the sun set in the evening... so we walked down to the beach... through snake infested grass and Marcey forgot to mention on her blog that we also saw some eggs in the bush. This is where Marcey stopps stomping away and actually RUNS as fast as she can. I'm not sure if they were snake eggs, but I think Marcey wasn't excited about finding out. So the sun set behind us and we walked along the beach with mist rising from the ocean and soft sand between our toes. How rotic. (romantic without the man for those of you who don't know)
Saturday we were picked up and taken to the Twelve Apostles. WOW!!!!! Incredible. Took my breath away!!!!!! So the veiw was better then sensational. just great!!! But let me tell you the most exciting part!!! Australia gets cold!!!!!!!!! Yes, Saturday was windy and cool. I wore a jacket at 2 in the afternoon in Australia! It was nice. so nice. Anyways, the veiw of the "shipwreck coast" was amazing. I'm so glad we saw the twelve apostles, london bridge, and the site of some ship wreck (hence the name). So beautiful!

Saturday evening back in Melbourne we walked to the Crow Casino. Which, yes, has a casino, but it has SO MUCH MORE!! I ate the best cheese cake ever at one of the many cafes, we did some shopping in clothing stores (yes, more than one), we opted not to see a movie or visit any of the nights clubs also in the building, we watched a light show on the ceiling where the colous changed on the crystals and a chandelier dropped from the mass of crystals on the ceiling, the fire ball show outside from close up and from across the river, and saw the dancing water outside. It was great!

Sunday we went to church at St. Paul's cathedral. They were very welcoming and friendly there. Then we spent heaps of time in the National Art Gallery. Oh was it great! with the two story glass wall with water flowing down it. and the 5 floors of art! I'm so glad MArcey stayed with me... Then we walked down the river and took a picture of a float with Canada's flag on it. the float was a chain of flags and fish, some sort of Common Wealth Games thing... then we walked back to the main drag via the botanic gardens. Such a pretty day. Then I rode the train home with two girls from school! April, and Diane (from the states). What a great weekend!!!

Yes, so this weekend I'kll be staying home.

And next weekend!!! I'm off to Canberra. It's tought I know. School feild trip. I have to go, there's really no choice. and we have to go to three of the attractions. Parliament House, National Gallery of Austalia, Nature Park, Museum. Gonna be rough.

And yes, there is Starbucks here. BUT NO TIMMY HO'S!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked Melbourne... Melbourne is one of the nicest cities with the nicest people... I never got to ACT at all so you'll have to let me know if it'll be worth checking out when I eventually go back.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to come to Albury :( Marcey sad