Thursday, March 23, 2006

My weekend and more. :)

Well, I haven't got any pictures of my school yet... mostly I keep forgetting my camera.

But I'm sure I can still write something even if I dont' have pictures to add with it. Ok, So Canberra with school. Well, we started the four hour drive to the Countires capital and stopped at a small place along the way. Here is where the HUGEST tour attraction is. I think it's so huge as a joke. I had heard lots about the "dog on the tucker box" and there is even a nursery song here about it. Well, I saw it. The dog on the tucker box. WOW what a site. It's actually really small. this brass of something dog on a lunch box in the middle of a pond thing. so we got a picture with the pond cleaner guy. He was nice. Anyways, onward to the capitals National Park office for a stuffy presentation of old pamphlets. And after enduring that, we were off to the National Park itself!!! Off the bus, another speach, and back on! No walk!! who does that?? Oh well, then we stopped at Australia's oldest dairy farm. Tere isn't much left now, only ruins. But it's a great historic sight. and I really liked it there. Some history and a bit of a story and something of a cool building left. I liked that. And now off to the bottle shop. This is what Aussies call the liquor sotre. Yes, a school field trip stopped at the bottle shop. So I bought cookies!! :) Yeah, I'm cool. Then we were taken to our camp site/ motor home where we were staying for the night. We were put up in these super nice cabins! Three girls to a cabin with a double bed, single bed, bunks, hida bed, kitchen, tv, and bathroom! WOW! then we went for dinner in the mess hall and then a guest speaker that night. She talked about interpretation of massecure sights. That was a bit morbid and interesting all at the same time. I don't think I'll chose that as my job. Then we walked for 45 min for uni night at some famous club in town. It was a very cool building with a sweet as light show. I'm glad I went.

Day 2. Got up nice and early for brekkie and a trip to Parliament square. This is actually breath taking. Never in my life did I think something man made could take my breath like natural wonders. but this was actually a stunning sight. I'll have to show you a picture or two when I get back. And I'm sure pictures won't do it justice. Anyways, My group was assigned to ... THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES!!! Talk about borring and a half. Let me give you all a tip. If you're going to aCanberra, don't waste your time here. Go to QUESTACON!!! So I'm in the archives with some guys from my class and one of them gets a call on his mobile. So his buddy is in Questacon adn tells us to come over because it's pretty sweet as. so we go. and it is!! Think of the science centre in Regina and make it 1000 times cooler!!!!!!!! So the first room has carnival games, a free fall, a virtual roller coaster, and more. then we walk into the spots type room all Common Wealth Games theme kinda thing. That was pretty cool. I throw the slowest out of all the guys I was with. And then we go up the ramp to the next floor. They're all cool but let me metion the last room. The music room!! I was in paradise!!! I'm sure I could have spent all day in this room. My favorite part was the section with about 5 different zilophones. So we each got a mallot and made differnt rhythems. Eahc thing was made out of something different, glass, brass, wood, you get the idea. It was so cool. paradise.

Whew, I'm almost out of breath!! But now it's only liunch time and we ate outside the parliament building. Then we bussed it to the National Museum. Oh my word. what else can I say about that?? Incredible!! so incredible. So we had a speaker here and then were taken on a guided tour. It was so great. So here's another tip. Take all the time you were going to spend on the Archives, and go here. OH WOW!!! the architecture for startes is genious! very smart. then there was nothing left to do head back to albury. So when we finally got into town, I was whisked straight away to the AFL footy match in the Lavington Panthers Stadium. Now this is an incredible game with is a mix of rugby, football, and soccer. SO cool!!! I wish it was a girls sport! It looked so fun. The guys on the feild were absolutely huge, so I wouldn't want to play with them.... but maybe a team of girls?? Anywyas, I was there with Shane, his dad, his sister, and his friend Scott. Shane's dad knew all about each and every single player... so I was well informed. Shane was on the other side telling me all the rules and scoring and all that. So it was good. lol.

Next day is Saturday. Marcey drives to town in an old red volvo we named Volvita. We emediately drove Volvita to Jeremy's house and got from my buddy from school, two tickets to the common wealth games in Melbourne. Then we stopped at Coles (the 24 hour grocery store) and stocked up for our 4 hour road trip to Melbourne! Yes, we drove by a town called Seymour. We both thought it was hilarious and yes, we stopped to takes pictures. Well, just one. and you'll only get to see it if you ask really nicely. Oh and onward to Dave's house. Dave is Kristen's friend from when she was here last year. Very nice, let us stay at his house. neat. Bright and early the next morning we were off to the Melbourne Cricket Ground. We watched Athletics all day. Best part of the day was watching the wimmer of the woman's marathon run her last 400m. I was almost in tears and I'm not even and aussie! I felt so much pride for her!!! She was coming in right with another girl from Kenya and they were tight. anyones race. as soon as they stepped into the stadium and croud just erupted with enormous energy! i flet my heart in my chest. the energy serged to this woman and she sprinted the last 400m after running for the past 2.5 hours. wow. Talk about support from your counrty!! a truley moving and inspirational moment. I got a ride back to Albury with Caleb, Robin's son. and that was the end on my weekend.

On to another big Monday. It ended off with a nice treat at the Hogs Breath Cafe. This is a resaraunt in town here... I haven't eaten out at all so I had no idea and hadn't heard anything either... So I enjoyed my meal. YUMM!!!! It was actually really really good food. On the way out I noticed the daily paper with the woman's marathon runner right on the front page. I was there!! Oh, and jeremy from school also told me he saw me on TV at the footy match too! I'm famous! lol

Please enjoy the spring for me over there. I'm sad I will miss it.

Love, me

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