Thursday, March 23, 2006

Albury Gold Cup

Introdicing Anne's inability to say no. Ok, so I was at Gateway Villiage last week. This is the Park/Informaiton Centre righ ton the border between Albury-Wodonga. So I stopped in and just asked about the volunteer program they had there. By the time I was leaving I was commited to Wednesday afternoons for then next few months. So I was a bit scared... I think I have a fear of commitment. Anyways, yesterday was Wednesday and my first day "on the job". I arrived and got orientated and then was being taken on a quick tour. This is when I was introduced to another staff member in passing. She said " hi nice to meet you would you like to volunteer on Friday?" Just take a guess at what I said. "uh.. ok" what else. lol. So I'm volunteering on Friday at the Albury Gold Cup. This is the biggest horse race around. So I will have to dress up in a poofy dress or smoething and a hat. Think Pretty Woman. And walk around and survey people. So here's my plan. Just survay everyone I see until I get 100 done (they're really short) and then enjoy the rest of the day, my free entry, and my "refreshment ticket" so I'm really excited about that actually. And then Marcey will drive Volvita to visit me again! Sounds like a good deal to me!!

Tomorrow is race day!! I'm excited! The whole town actually shuts down from noon - 5. Everyone is supoposed to be at the race from all around! It will be huge!!!

love, me


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you are having lots of adventures! How exciting! I could almost picture everything as you were describing it. DOn't worry, spring is taking it's time arriving this year. Although it looks like a sunny day out today and it's suppose to get up to +8 on the weekend! Maybe I'll be able to wear capris! So lets hope it stays and doesn't snow again!
love me! :)

chelsea rae said...

hott dang anne i wish i was there with you when you went to the commonwwealth games...that would have been amazing hearing the crowd roar and be so filled with those little butterflies!!! dang's not that nice here yet...they keep saying it's coming but hott dang is it taking forever! (although i have been wearing capris all i suppose it's been a nice winter?!) anyways, keep having a blast and could you please bottle up an old aussie man for me...having one of those around would be so much fun!