Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tongariro Crossing

Gong Show!!

Ok, so today Marcey and I hiked the crossing. A bus drove us out to the start and picked us up 8-ish hours later...

I liked the beginning... lots of rocks and rough terrain. It was so exciting!!! then we started to climb UP!!! up up up it was great. I had a huge smile on my face... until I looked back and saw Marcey in the distance. She hollers, "you go on, I'll catch up" So I did. lol. It was great!!! rocks and gravel and ah!!! such adventure! so i get to the top and wait a bit for MArcey, no show... I guess she decided to take pictures along the way. So I kept walking, beside "mordor" the voncano from lord of the rings, and aonther one (tongariro). then through the south crator... with would be the center of a dormant volcano. so that was sweet, becasue it was FLAT!! lol. and then up again!!! not as rocky, and definately NO plant life. one at the very very tippy top, I took some pictuers of the most spectaculare views!!! then down. DOWN GRAVEL!!! no paths, just slippy slidy down a gong show of gravel. it was actually really fun. I had to empty my shoes at the end though.. then there were emerald pools of water... three of them. this is where marcey and I met for lunch (on our red and white chekered blanket!!!) so that was sweet. then we watched the clouds roll in over the peaks. it was amazing!!!! but it cut our visibility down quite a lot. so we didn't really get a good veiw of the blue pool. (oh, the emeralds pools were really cold water, i stuck my feet in). then down again the other side of the volcano. this part had a trail.. we walked through a bit of grass land then into a rain forrest... ah yes, then what?? it starte dto rain!!!!!! rain it did for the last hour and a bit of our walk. lol. but it felt authentic. rain in the rain forrest. but my shoes were really soaked. anywas, it was great. absolute beauty. and you can tell i got two shades browner today from my SOCK TAN!! ah!! oh well. c'est le vie.


Anonymous said...

Sounds sweet. Can't wait to see the LOTR pics. I had been watching the weather and wondering how wet you were going to get, glad to hear it was mostly okay.

Anonymous said...

wow, it sure rains a lot there. But it sounds like a good time. Keep on keeping on! :)

Anonymous said...

Did you find a current bush to plug in the internet at your campsite???? We were promised snow today but it didn't happen - even got some sunshine! The days have been getting longer for a month now so it stays light until 6 PM. Hope you find some sun before you leave the country!