Tuesday, January 10, 2006

We made it

Well, we're in Sydney. It's hot. I want to go to the beach. We got here at 7:30 am and it's almost 12:30 here. We spent half the day getting organized and all our stuff stored and all that jazz. I wish I was swimming in the ocean. I miss my mom and dad.


Anonymous said...

Hey Anne...I am glad to hear that you made it there safe..Have fun and don't get to black..Well i miss you and am praying for you. Have a blast and make sure you get a chance to do everything you can down there...

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne & Marcey! Glad to know you arrived safe & sound - hope all your luggage did too! On that loooong LA to Sydney flight did you do laps around the plane to keep the blood flowing? Did you watch a movie? Were there inflight exercises scheduled? Am I asking too many questions? Several friends have phoned for info - I hope they all find your blog. Will send that info about documents to be signed by CSU officials via email. Hope you find time to catch up on sleep before your next flights to NZ. Have fun & stay safe! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Annabelle,
Whoosh. Glad to hear from you. We miss you too. Sure is quiet here. The phone still rings throughout supper, but some are wrong numbers (unless Grandpa is rolling over on the phone again). I'm sure you are having fun, so get some rest and dive in, just check the depth first, but you lifeguards know all that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hello my girls. I am so glad you posted a blog. I have been checking it everyday faithfully hoping to hear that you got there and you did! That's very excitng. Hearing about the ocean is definitely making me jealous. But maybe I'll go hit up a tanning bed so I don't look too white next to you when you come back. Ok well I'll look forward to your next update! Miss you and love you!
Luv, Julie

kortney said...

Hey Anne,
Sam gave me your blog address - get a good tan and learn a lot. Meet a cute Australian, pet a kangaroo...

Praying for ya,