Friday, January 27, 2006

City of Sails

Well, in Wellington Marcey and I tried to maximize our time by visiting the parliment. Pretty sweet buildings. Then on our way back to the hostel for our pick up, there was a bike competition in the park. Lots of jumps and all that fancy jazz.

As the tour continued we camped for only one night. The North Island was mostly driving... and rain. There were two girls called the "Cabin Girls" and for the rest of the trip (ie rainy nights) we slept in their cabin with them. So that was sweet. The North Island is considerably more hilling than the "undulations" on the South. My prarie legs were killing me after the 20 k ride into camp one night. That would also be the night our bus got a flat (I was biking and not on the bus). So we arrived and there was no bus, no stuff to start supper, and no tents to set up. We missed the Maori concert. Then it started POURING!!! we ate supper at 10pm. Then the next day at the Bay of Islands.... well, no sailing for me. So we walking in the rain in and out of the Treaty Houses at the Maori Treaty place.
There was a swing hanging off a huge tree at our camp ground these two nights. I went down there each evening to watch the water and swing. Some good solo time away from the big group is good for a persons soul. :)
We saw some of NZ's largest and oldest trees. I forget what they're called. MArcey will remember. Anyways, 2000 yrs old. HUGE!!! HUGE!!! I can't even explain... they were massive. and the root system is crazy close to the surface so there's wooden paths for us to walk on so we don't kill the trees by damaging their root systems. It was sweet az. nice. OH!! and MArcey and I are addicted to regge now. we have both bought cds. which we can't actually listen to... but they are gold. sweet az.
so now the tour is done and we've been in Auckland the City of Sails for a few days. We're staying wil hilarious people who are so very generous and hospitible. Joan and Max Hook. Today and yesterday MArcey and I have been touring around. Lots of beaches and way too much to do. This weekend is actually the Auckland anniversary weekend. So picture Canada day in Regina and add a million people. It's great. LAst night we went to the sky tour to watch the sun set and then the coty lights. We also went tot eh Auckland Museum and Kelly Taltons. It's like sea world. It was awesome. I'll have to show you pictures for you to beleive how cool it was. AND!!! I got a free stuffed penguin from the gift shop!! All I had to do was flash them a pretty smile!! :) (I'm kidding, I had a coupon). Anyways, tomorrow Max and Joan are taking us to some beach with black sand. Should be a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love swinging! That's cute. Well I miss you very very very very much! Did you remember my NZ coffee? I hope so. Reggae is pretty sweet. Or as you would say, sweet az. What's that suppose to mean? Is that NZ talk? But anyhoo, I have a Jamaican reggae cd. SO glad to hear everything is going well. I will send you an email sometime. Alright well I'll ttyl! Luvz ya!