Friday, January 20, 2006

Sea Sick

Well, I have discovered that I get sea sick. Yesterday I went sea kayaing at Abel Tasman (national park down here). I felt SO sick and gross and I really wanted to just get off. But, I was in the middle of the sea, so I couldn't do anything about it. It was a double kayak. I was with Kips from London. We made a good team. Pretty strong together. We stopped when the wind picked up and there were white caps all over. It was so windy we didn't get to kayak back. Everyone felt ripped off. I was actually kinda glad cause I felt so sick. ANd we were about an hour into the trail, so I just walked to opposite direction back. I ended up walking for 7 hours. It was SO beautiful. breathtaking actually. and the water there was SO salty to go swimming in. Actually. At the end of my little hike, I ran down a hill and jumped right into the water. no one else was swimming any where around, just this crazy girl (me) running into the water, diving down, and coming up spitting beacuse I wasn't expecting it to be so salkty. I put my shorts back on (no towel), but quickly took them off because they got all wet and were rubbing, and you know how that feels. So I walked pretty much 3 hours in my bathing suit bottoms! HA! the guys on the trail sure liked that one. hehe. Oh, and the farm we were staying at was called Old MacDonalds farm. So funny. the sign also said that dress was optional. apparetly it used to be a nudest camp. not anymore. I wore clothes. and yes, our stuff finally is all dry as of this morning.

I ate fresh cerries today, had the best cup of coffee ever (in Nelson) and the best icream ever made with real cream. SO good!!!!! and then we went on a ferry ride over to Wellington and we saw a whale in the ocean!!! So sweat! only thing was, I felt sea sick. Just really nausiated.. never threw up.

I'm excited for the North islad, I heard there's less sand flies. YAY!!!!!

One of the guys on the tour is actually living in Auckland now and he found out Marcey and I were wanting to go to Roterua, so he volunteered to come with us because he has a car. So that is pretty sweet. I'm excited. Tonight we're ina hostel.

well, see you later.


Anonymous said...

I can relate to seasickness - you have my complete sympathy! How has the weather been for you to do all the outdoor stuff you do - looks cold for summer from here (altho warm for winter in SK! -20C this AM!). Hey remember Girl Guide rules - take a buddy with you when you go swimming in the ocean!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, well, it sounds like you and Marcey are hot stuff over there! I can't believe you get sea sick! You of all people. But that's ok, that just means you can focus on other outdoor activities. You'll have to bring me some New Zealand coffee as well. That would be swell. I really enjoy reading your blog. It definitely made me smile and laugh and say "Oh Anne". I can't believe you hiked 3 hours in bathing suit bottoms, that's so hilarious. Ok well keep on trecking. I'm glad all your stuff finally dried. I miss you so so much but am glad everything seems to be working out for you guys.