Wednesday, March 28, 2007


And what a day that one was! So I get up and leave for work where I'm busy all day, I drive to uni straight from work (stopping for my non-winning roll up the rim at Timmy's of course), I cram for my ch. 13 & 14 accounting exam, go write the exam, listen to the lecture for ch. 9, drive quickly and very safely to the Austrian club getting there with milli seconds to spare before we perform our swing routine for the Wednesday night class, and then home to try and get some laundry done before tomorrow. Yes, why did God design days with so little time?? I'd love to have time to relax and read a book in a bubble bath or something like that... but I'm way too tired and need to sleep so I can live a jammed packed day all over again tomorrow. What is the point? But then again, what is the point of reading in a bubble bath? I guess it really is meaningless and the meaning comes from your passions and not your actions. Too tired to be philosophical... I'm making my own head hurt. Anyways, I thought I'd write about my day as I'm still trying to catch my breath... and checking the class lists for uni spring sessions. The class I need filled up the day before I could register and now I'm checking every second I can get a chance to see if there's magically one seat open for me yet!

(ps. I wouldn't mind your prayers for this small matter) Thanks!

Yes Sam, you're right. a trip to Calgary would have made the weekend unbearably great!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Annes

The Anne's were reunited this weekend, and what a glorious weekend it was!!

But, I am officially sick of shopping. Who would have ever thought I would say such a thing!?!? I'm as shocked as you are. Ok, you guessed it. We did a lot of shopping. We also did a lot of visiting.

We drove to Camrose to visit Wanda, the greatest D-group leader I have ever had. A small reunion of past CLBI-ers (including Chelsea who told me I was “hoity toity”… what does that mean!?!) met for coffee at our favorite Merchants. We saw a bunch of familiar faces at church on Sunday morning and ate at the NEW Tim Hortins. I'm SO NOT a fan. There is no longer a Timmy’s close to CLBI! How can that be possible?! It is not easy to dumpster dive any more, that's for sure. And how do you get your roll up the rim?? Drive to the opposite side of town!? I think not! how horrible! Who decided to move Timmy's so far away!? I'm so not impressed. Someone should be glad I'm not at CLBI anymore; because if I was, I would be writing a stern letter to the person who decided to move Timmy's so far away.

Anne and I went to The Project on Sunday evening. This is a church service that caters to C&C aged peeps. It was pretty fabulous. I enjoyed it for sure.

And Monday I tortured Anne at her work for a bit, and then went to the West Ed. I walked around that place for 4 hours and didn't find a single thing I wanted to buy! Anne thinks it's a new record of some sort. I should probably get a medal. OR! a $100 gift card for MEXX so I could go back and buy that sweater. Yes, one sweater for $100. Yikes! Don't get me wrong. I did buy enough this weekend to fill an entire suitcase. Yes, yes I did pack an empty duffle bag in my carry on so I could check a bag on the way home! hehe!

And then straight to Faith the watch the second half of the CLBI choir tour. Which was PHENOMINAL! I should have taken a Kleenex. And I saw a bunch of familiar faces there too.

What a superb weekend! Could there be one better?? I think not. And on that note, I'm going to bed! Night-o

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Greetings readers!

So this week at work was quite nice because I had some diversity. I am now being trained to help out the other co-op student because the next three weeks are supposed to be stupid crazy for her (today being budget day and all so now departments know how many summer students they can hire). So that's been fun. Yesterday was Kyla and I's Timmy's date. Neither of us won on the roll up the rim. Again. And today was "appreciate the PSC workers" day. We celebrated by eating lunch at the Centre of the Arts (or whatever they are calling it these days). So I ate too much. and I will not tell you how many desserts I helped myself to...

But more to the point of my exciting blog entry. I'm leaving on a jet plane. I'm flying to Edmonton tomorrow! Why? To see my kindred spirit, Anne. No, not myself. The other Anne (the better one). I get in Friday night. Then Saturday we will visit the good ole Camrose. Sunday and Monday I guess are shopping days! Hello IKEA and MEC! Oh how this prairie girl has missed you! I'm very excited to see Anne again and her family.

Well, other than seeing a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day, there's not much else exciting to report (since curling isn't exciting enough to blog about, I don't know what is anymore...)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well I can't even curl my hair let alone on ice with a broom!

So our work social club is having this curling night thing. It’s supposed to be non- competitive... but there are some people who are very serious about their curling. There is even a trophy to be won. It's almost half as tall as me. These people are serious. But to entice novice people like me to show up and make them look even better, they tell us it's "non-competitive". So today at work I organized a little team. There is four of us girls. None of us have a clue what curling is about. I mean, yes, I’ve seen it on TV and I realize that you have to get a rock, or two, into the circle things at the other end and after you throw your rock you have your other people sweeping and lots of yelling to “hurry hard”. So the plan is to go to V Village and hopefully find some old school matching curling outfits. I think that would be awesome. I would also like to wear a hat with a pom-pom on top. I’m not sure why… I just like to be silly I guess.

So I am going to see if I can find an old curling poster in my closet and take it to work to put on my wall and intimidate people who walk by. This is going to be a huge event. I’m going to put on a good game face (and hopefully I don’t wipe out on the ice TOO many times!!)

Well, that’s all for today!

(Two days in a row! How’s that for ya Ryan??)

Must be that time again!

Well, I seem to be very not good with the whole blogging thing. And I'm sorry, I can't think of a time when I helped someone with growing boobs. I may need a little more to go by than that. I have a super duper bad memory...

Ok, so since January I've been with the prov. govt. and very much loving it. I love the people I work with! I have lots of fun, we actually all take breaks together, there's a social club (with curling and bowling events coming up!), I "steal" my bosses flowers and they sit on my desk (which is in the hall), I've been invited to do yoga at lunch time with a lady at work, and take coffee breaks with the ladies who like to ogle the guy in the cafe down the alley. So much fun to work there!

On top of the success of my project at work and getting along great with my supervisor, I have been dancing like a maniac this semester. I will be performing two group routines for the Regina Ballroom Dancing Club on April 14th. It's coming up quick! I'm in a swing routine with a very opposite partner. I think I'm a foot taller than him... Short, buff, black man dancing with a tall, skinny, white girl... but we do the swing routine together and he's a great dancer. We're getting all the steps and most of the technique so far. I'm excited to perform this one because it's so much fun!! And Lucey, our instructor, cracks me up so much! She's so positive and confident. She makes me want to be a professional ballroom dancer!

The other routine I'm in is the two-step. Now, the two-step is my least favorite dance. So you may be wondering why I'm doing this routine then. Well, it's because I love dancing and I love learning. And I'm having so much fun. My partner for this dance is the most expressive guy I have ever met. I seriously laugh through entire practices regularly! We're doing LOTS of turns and crazy cool stuff for this routine so I'm actually liking the two-step for a change. Some turns are pretty hard and I'm still getting used to them. But, I'm sure by the time the performance rolls around I'll be good enough at the spins to actually smile while dancing instead of sporting the look of utter concentration!

Another thing that has been occupying some of my time this year is our church's Jr. Choir. I've been helping out with that on Sunday mornings. We have had one performance in church so far and there's another one to come on Psalm Sunday. our debut performance I choreographed the second verse of the song. Yes! I'm living my dream to be a back up singer vicariously thought the jr. choir. The kids looked so cute doing the actions at the front of the church!!! And one girl in particular stole the show. Oh... "love like an ocean..." going to make me laugh every time.

This year I was also elected by my congregation to serve on church council for a three year term as an Elder. Not because I'm old, but because I am excited to be in a leadership role involving our churches spiritual health. I'm very excited to see what God has planned with our congregation in the next three years and what my role is to be. Already I have been learning to be faithful in prayer. I'm going to need to be very connected with God if I'm going to be in such a position of leadership in the church. It's my prayer to be attentive to where God is working in the church so I can move there and work where He is already working.

Well, that about sums it up for tonight. And I'm off to bed. I will write again soon if I remember something I forgot to mention tonight.

Love me.