Saturday, May 13, 2006

Aussie Home

Well, I have been invited to Shane and Noni's for mother's day supper tonight. We're having it today instead of tomorrow because Sunday night is the last Alpha night. Noni called to invite me with the excuse that "I'm part of the family". That was a nice surprise to hear. Put a smile on my heart.

Yesterday was Friday, no school, Anne's sleep in day. NOT this time!!! Colleen called me from school (where she was) and I answered my phone from bed (where I was). She was very excited to invite me over for lunch. Just because. lol. So I got up and did the things I was planning to do in the arvo (afternoon). But didn't have time to get to the big sale to buy myself some long pants pjs! (yes, it's autum here... and COLD!) and since I was planning on studying in Australia for a semester, I was planning on being hot for a semester. But no matter, because when Colleen came to get me, our other friend Megan (from the states), had ditched to go to Melbourne for the weekend. So Colleen and I had a very girlie day full of shopping at the sales and eating out. It was very nice. Then it was back to her new house to watch a movie and wait for her sister to get into town. She up for the weekend frim Melbourne. After she got here we painted our nails and made ourselves supper. Then we "got ready" for a night out on the town! ( this will make it my second one since I've been here). lol. I had colleen dressing me from her closet and adding makeup to my face... it was really rather funny/fun. So we went out to Paddy's the Irish pub. The girls were busy watching for "dingo's" (their slang for cute guys). I got side tracked by the footy match on tv. big game Geelong vs. St. Kilda! I'm going to miss footy when I get back home. So next up, we went to Bended Elbow and left very quickly after some cowboy tripped over us to feed us some of his best lines. we were not flattered and made a bee line for the doors. Next up is Albury's most happening place to be! the Globe. There's two different dance floors on the same level, with two different types of music and dancing. we stuck to the side with the more funky fun type and we had a ball!! three "dingo's" joined us and the 6 of us just had a blast. it's always a hit when ppl hear i'm a Canadian from "Canadia". Anyways, it was real great to be one of the girls out for the night looking fine and feeling better.

So I'm off for the dinner. Thanks for the early early birthday card Julie!!

Keep me updated on the happenings back home! I love hearing all about it.

love me


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your adopted family will take care of you this weekend. We will be thinking of you. BTW, that would be the Woolshed Falls and the Beechworth Gorge. (Beechworth is "Victoria's best preserved gold rush town"). And Harvest Celebrations are coming up next weekend too! You may need some winter clothing with two months to go! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne! I'm feelin Anne deprived cuz I didn't get an email from you today. :( I guess i'll live. It sure sounds like a good time over there! It's finally getting hot here. Like +25 today and rumor has it it'll be +29 tomorow!! WOOT WOOT! Although I'll be inside all day so I don't know why I'm excited...Anyways, have a good one! Miss you!