Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dancing Diva!

Well, that was a busy couple of weeks!! There were extra practices pretty much every night for different routines, but it was sure all worth it. I had so so so much fun last night at the Last Waltz. Thanks to all my adoring fans that came out for the festivities!

Dancing Diva!
My beautiful dancing family.

Swing routine, can you pick out which one is me?

Two Step routine... my partner Dan and I.

My fans, Julie and Marcey... thanks for coming out!

Now that dance is over until September, what will I do with all my time??


Anonymous said...

Hey hottie! I think your a great dancer and I'm honored to be one of your fans!! :)

Anonymous said...

yeh...i see a peek of your partner in the swing..hehe...wish i could have seen your "enter" moves again!!!