Monday, December 11, 2006


What a perfect time to blog again, when I'm procrastinating. I have a final tomorrow. I thought I would wait until my work term got better so I would have something nice to write... but I guess that was taking too long since I only have 9 working days left until the semester is over and I still haven't written.
So the work term has been ... uh... challenging. Maybe not the working environment of choice, but I have had a few interesting experiences. One notable one being the week I spent at Agribition. I was in the International Business Centre all week. This means it was mostly full of international business men. I was the youngest female there by 20 years. I'll let your imagination do the rest... I have had one old guy from N. Ireland try to contact me a few times now. Of all the people I exchanged business cards with... why him?? Why not a young, hot business man who isn't creepy mc creep creep?
So now that work term is dying down, I'm gearing up for Christmas!! I have a few "creative" ideas for Christmas presents this year... I'll let you know how they turn out.
I sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel at my church's Advent Music festival last night. A few people had positive comments, so I may even consider doing a solo again. Practice makes perfect right??
The Regina Ballroom Dancing Club Ball is on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm a part of the women's meringue routine. Should be a good time!
And after all the excitement of Christmas is over, I'm jetting out of here on a bus. midnight of Christmas Day. I'm heading for St. Louis for Urbana. I've never been before, but I've heard only good things about it. It's a student mission convention. I've found out that Ben from CLBI will be going too!! So that makes me not so scared... hopefully he and I can connect down there, that would be sweet!
And with that, I guess I should maybe go study. Wish me luck! I have to fly to S'toon for work tomorrow morning and back at 4pm, arriving in Regina (hopefully) at 4:45pm. My final starts at the opposite side of town at 7pm. Talk about stress!! Man I hope the plane isn't delayed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of all the people I exchanged business cards with... why him?? Why not a young, hot business man who isn't creepy mc creep creep?

Because all the young, hot business men are too busy avoiding the attentions of 40-something creepy ladies? ;)