Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tee Hee!

Thanks Kortney!

Now that I'm feeling loved, I guess I should write more. I got home from Oz with an entire TV crew waiting for me at the airport... ok... so they weren't waiting for me. But dado got them to point their cameras at me so I would think I was on TV. They were really there for the red paper clip guy who's plane was scheduled to come in right after ours. Had a day to sleep and "recover" and then started a St. Johns first aid course. After that was done I had 3 job interviews for my co-op job in September. That afternoon I flew with my family to visit relative in Ontario!! And I had SUCH a good time as I always do when I get to see my cousins, auntie, uncle, and grandparents. Got back to Regina and my luggage sure didn't make it. So I had to re-think my outfit to wear at Larry Girl's wedding as I was her guest book person (which is not a very hard job). Larissa's wedding was Sunday and then it was off to camp on Monday. I am now back from my first week of camp for the summer. three more to go! I was at conestoga... which means it's the teen campers and we sleep in covered wagons and such. It was a really really amazing week and I'm SO tired today. and yes. I did get poison ivy again. and yes, i am still allergic to it. the entirety of my shins and calves are covered with tiny bumps excpt for the few spots that are big white hard blister type things. NOT COOL! and my knee is still bothering me... so wide games were quite the challange. anyways, this week I'll be lifeguarding at the main pool, so I should be far away from any more poison ivy. this week will be a junior week too, so that means I will not be needed to teach swimming lessons. so it will be fun to have a little less responsibility than I did this week (with lifeguarding and cabin leading). Yes! So I'm back at home and almost all settled in. And yes, I'm still really good at keeping busy.

Hey Kortney, how are wedding plans??


kortney said...

Wahoo! Camp is fun, blogs are fun, visiting some relatives is fun!! And TV Crews are especially fun, but I don't know who the red paper clip guy is.

Wedding plans are going, slowly but surely. I'll bet it'll be here faster than I know it. I'm excited either way.

Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all.....