Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A normal day


Ok, so as I was falling asleep last night I was thinking, I only write about "adventures" on here, thus making my "normal days" seem plain. Well, today I will change that and let you know about a normal day in Anne's Australian world.

So I am borrowing a bike from Noni's little brother Caleb. He's going to school in Melbourne and driving a car, so he's letting me use his OLD bike. It's got cob webs tangled around the pedals and is very much a gong show. My house is at the top of a very steep hill, or just a steep hill (depending on the way you're coming home). To change gears from the harder ones to the easier ones on the front derailer, I have to use my toe. Yes, the gears don't work properly and I have to stop while trying to get up enough steam to make it up this hill so I can switch gears with my big toe. but on the way down, it's all fun :) I have to ride along the highway for a bit. This is the highway that there is MASSIVE road work being done. They're building an overpass. So yesterday, on my way home for lunch (avacado sandwiches!!!) I was peddling through the road work like usual. The guy in the neon shirt who works the lights to tell you when to stop when a bid truck is crossing now has a smart comment to make to me each time I ride by in my old old school "challenger" helmet. lol. So now I just say helloooo as I'm riding by. But yesterday, near the end of the road work, the guy in the neon shirt (all road workers wear neon) who holds the two sided "stop" and "slow down" sign jumps out right infront of me so I have no time or room to go around him. So I stop.. rather close... then he says, "I'm just trying to save you from getting run over" So I look around. no traffic. at all. I'm confused, so I ask him where the traffic is. He points to a truck around the corner driving away, and then to a small truck turning onto the other side of the road from me. I wanted to laugh out loud! but It was akward because I was standing too close to him to even see that he was holding a sign that said stop. So then, when he moved out of my way, I continued riding along, what a strange guy. So I'm in my own little world laughing at this road guy and one girl at school (same one who ditched our tent the last night) because at school she asked me if I was sad on the last morning because I liked Simon and she went to Simon's tent because and not me. Ok, now let me paint you a picture of Simon. picture anyone you know who farts alot. multiply that by 14 and you have Simon. He calls his farts his ducks. So I call him duck boy. He's shorter than me (and everyone knows that if he's shorter he doens't even have a sniff of a chance), and he's the womanizer type who gets drunk pretty much every night. So if you know me at all, you know that this would be the furthest thing from "anne's mr. right". SO I found this accusation rather, well, absolutely hilarious. I arrive at home (after switching gears with my toe), for a cuppa with Colleen. A cuppa? A cup of what? well, that's what I would like to know. But today it was Tim Horton's Coffee!!!!!! THANKS MOM!! YOU ROCK MY WORLD! Then a sandwich with. yes,. the inevitable avacado. As Colleen is leaving I RUN to the back of the house to frantically take all my camping laundry off the line because it has started to spit. I try to get the clothes off before they get wet again. And just as I'm running into the house like a man woman with an over flowing basket of clothes and clothes pins all tangled together, it stopped raining. So I go inside to clamly fold my clothes and put them into their proper drawers. hmm. now some time for h-work. SO journaling for my rec class about the hike and such.

Then Robyn arrives home from work. She works at her own shop. She owns a stor that sells, well, it'a gift shop, but it' sells useless bobbles. Beady lamps, crazy butter holders, fancy spoons, flowered placemats, fake "diamond" rings which are really huge beads... you get the picture. Anyways, she always has a story of the day and I get to hear all about it. I actually rather enjoy listening to her and about her day. And she laughs at me quite alot... Like last night. She has two OLD cats: chunky and blacky. so blacky is a bully and drools and only has one tooth that sticks out like a fang. Chunky is long haired grey cat that is quiet and such a suck... loves to be patted. So Chunky comes in last night while we're wathing our Aussie version of ER called All Saints with a live mouse!!! In the house!! So Robyn runs to clse her bedroom door, but for me to check if my door is closed, I would have to venture into the hallway with the crazy cat playing with a live mouse that's now running all over!! So I scream, jump onto the chair I was calmly sitting in just seconds before, and then jump down to bravely check my door. I see the mouse run around the corner and a blur of grey cat mass, I scream and jump up onto the chair again. My heart.... racing. Robyn's laugh... racing. Anne is once again astounded by the hilarity of her present situation and looks back on her one-of-a-kind day.

So yes, littel random adventures like this happen each and every day... it sure keeps me on my toes. and there is really never a dull moment. until the weekend... then the adventure begins!

PS my mom is the coolest mom ever.


Anonymous said...

Awwww, you're cute!

Anonymous said...

So what happened to the mouse?????

kortney said...

Anne you're the coolest. Thanks for the congrats note on my blog -when do you come home from Australia?