Sunday, February 26, 2006

Good Morning!

Well, I woke up today with O Canada being sung on the olympics closing ceremonies! What a good morning. Not only because I've heard my home anthem, but becaue I'm moving into my permenent address for the next 4.5-ish months. So here is the address so that everyone and their neighbours dog who all seem to be getting married this summer can start sending wedding invitations! Anyways, I'd love to get a letter from you all. I've been away from home for almost 2 months and I kinda miss you guys *tear*. So I'm moving in today after my night class. I will have a full day at school only to try and move all my stuff into my room at this lady's house at 9:00 when school is finally over for me for the day.

289 Vickers Road
Lavington, NSW

So one full week of school is under my belt and I'm ready to start another. I have one assignment that is already due today. We were supposed to interview someone who we knew as a great leader for my recreation leadership and comminication class. Since I know so many people here, let alone great leaders, I had too many people to chose from, I couldn't decide who to interview. So I went to my profs office and told her she was the greatest leaderd I knew in all of Australia! Man did that ever put her on the spot! So I used my great interviewing techniques I learned from SaskPower and she was very impressed with my interview. lol. I'm not sure if this will be good for my mark... or not so good. I'll have to wiat and find out I guess. So if anyone also wants my land line number, send me an e-mail and I'll tell you. Hope you are all enjoying where you are. I was SO VERY happy with the rain this weekend. It didn't rain like back home... it was very light rain here. on and off for an entire day. not even hard enough to wear a rain coat (or a coat really at all). But it cooled off the air so I could at least bear it! Probably to the mid 20's.
Also, if anyone wants to send some Timmy Ho's to me at my new address, I'd probably love you forever. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Anne! So I hope you are enjoying your new place. That'll be nice for you to be settled into one place and make it your home for the next little while. I know what it's like to live out of a backpack! So let me know if you got the pictures I sent you! Ok miss you lots. I'll see if I can send you an ice cap! LOL!

kortney said...

Do they have Starbucks in Australia?

-A curious Starbucks manager

Anonymous said...

I'll send a donut. I'll just make sure to get one with green icing so the mold blends in nicely.

chelsea rae said...

oh anne...i miss you!!! i am glad to hear you are loving it...hey guess what....adam and hildegunn are preggo....and more ppl i know are freakin engaged....i think i will move to australia this summer to avoid all this craziness going on bout you extend your stay and we will have a wedding free holiday...good idea??....i thought so! anyways....up in the students union using the lovely green energy comps....stupid line up for bus passes....and hey when did this tim hortons open here and why didn't i know about it?????

Anonymous said...

It seems you are having a blast. I was noticing your awesome tan....oh am I jealous. Miss you lots!
