Thursday, March 22, 2007


Greetings readers!

So this week at work was quite nice because I had some diversity. I am now being trained to help out the other co-op student because the next three weeks are supposed to be stupid crazy for her (today being budget day and all so now departments know how many summer students they can hire). So that's been fun. Yesterday was Kyla and I's Timmy's date. Neither of us won on the roll up the rim. Again. And today was "appreciate the PSC workers" day. We celebrated by eating lunch at the Centre of the Arts (or whatever they are calling it these days). So I ate too much. and I will not tell you how many desserts I helped myself to...

But more to the point of my exciting blog entry. I'm leaving on a jet plane. I'm flying to Edmonton tomorrow! Why? To see my kindred spirit, Anne. No, not myself. The other Anne (the better one). I get in Friday night. Then Saturday we will visit the good ole Camrose. Sunday and Monday I guess are shopping days! Hello IKEA and MEC! Oh how this prairie girl has missed you! I'm very excited to see Anne again and her family.

Well, other than seeing a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day, there's not much else exciting to report (since curling isn't exciting enough to blog about, I don't know what is anymore...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeh...hello anne again!