Monday, June 05, 2006

Just so you know

Hello people,

I'm crazy busy here. Just like any end-of-semester time. But I have not written for a while and hope that it hasn't worried too many of you. I'm still alive and no more kangaroo run ins for me. I have assignments (only 2 left now!!) and one final. I have some incentive to get my two assignments done by Thursday. Anna is going to Sydney this long weekend and is taking me along with her. If I get everything done early, we will also be able to go to the Blue Mtns. If not, we will still go to Sydney but for one less day. When I get back from my weekend away, I will have an entire week to prepare for my tourism final on 16 June. It's in the arvo and has 3 hrs allocated for it. Last night in class our teacher assured us that it will not take 3 hours. Well, Anna dropped the key off to her house so I can go there to work on my assignments during the day when no one is home and hopefully get finished sooner rather than later. So I'm off to the library to gather some resources so I can work for the rest of the day! I also got some great study snacks in the mail today from Canada!! Thanks Julie! So I'm ready for 3 intence days of assignments. Yes, just so you are all aware, my procrastination habbits did not stay in the Northern Hemisphere... they followed me here. But I guess I do what I do best. :S

Enjoy the srping weather and I will enjoy *cough cough* the winter weather here. But I must sya, this is the most mild winter I have ever experienced in my life!


Anonymous said...

Nothing like the promise of a weekend trip to make Annie put the pedal to the metal! Good luck!!

chelsea rae said...

anne i am sad that i won't be able to see you before i head to crummy ol' bc for the summer. i hope you have a great last month there, or month and a bit...whatever! good luck with your assignments and with your exam!

Anonymous said...

It's been far too long since I've checked up on you! (Please forgive-- I had a rough semester and now I'm tree-planting) But its absolutely fantastic to read your adventures and enjoy the pics. I love it all. Especially funny ( and sort of painful! ) are all the injury shots. Australia certainly seems like its the place to be. I hope to talk to you soon. Huge chunks of love,
Ole Schenk

Anonymous said...

Make sure you save some snacks for your studying time!! :)