Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thank goodness I was wearing a Helmet!

These are my pants. Yes, that is a hole.

This is my hand... Nice bruise on its way on my elbow...

A bit of a cut on my knee...

Actually, my knee is really sore. Yeah, it was bound to happen. My mode of transportation is a bike... and you have to fly over the handle bars sometime right? Today I was riding from Thurgoona to the visitors centre I've been volunteering at. Today we were supposed to be touring around to all the different visitor type places near Albury. Thurgoona to the centre is quite a ride and only crazy people like me do silly things like that. Since I was on a bit of a time limit, and just like going fast... I was going pretty fast. Australia uses round-abouts lots for their intersections. I was pretty scared of these when I first started riding around but now they're super easy... I'm not too hesitant. Well, today the car infront of me looked like it was going to go into the roundabout... so I didn't slow down. Last minute they decide to stop. So I had to stop or I would run right into the back of them... top speed! So I breaked.. and yes, pushed the right side a bit (maybe a lot) harder than the left. The right side controls the front tire. So I went flying over the handle bars. One minute I'm speeding down the road... the next I'm flying into it. First impact was my knee, then elbow, hand then head. I was wearing my helmet and you can't really see where I hit my head, but if a bruise does come.. I'll be sure to post the picture. My shoes both went flying off and I was in shock. There was a big truck driving along behind me and he stopped in time, thank goodness. The driver comes rushing out and helps me up and to the side of the road. then he grabbed my shoes for me. Next thing I know another guy driving a ute who was heading in the opposite direction was running over and grabbed my bike for me. The guys were really nice and I was shaking a lot. so the guy in the truck left after he was convinced I was ok. The guy with the ute asked me where I was headed and turned his ute completely around and loaded my bike on the back. a few minutes later we were at the centre and he was loading my bike off the back. wow, was I ever thankful for these helpers! I went inside the centre and asked my manager to help me wash up becasue I was still shaking quite a bit. Since the centre is run by volunteers... they're all pretty much retired ladies... it was like attack of the over-protective mom times 12! lol. I was sitting in the back room getting washed up and handed tissue to dry my tears and wow. so the head manager walks in and says "hows my champ" before he even sees the blood from my knee. When he clues in, he was such a help too! So I went along with the tour anyways (i was really looking forward to it). I'm fine. My knee is actually really sore. It's not so much stiff, and I'm sure there will be a mother bruise tomorrow... but seriously! when I crouched down to put socks on when i got home I was nearly in tears again! hoaky nelly! but since I biffed a good one on my bike last summer I know the secret of taking pain killers. So I'm not sure how I'll go with the bike riding tomorrow... good thing I don't have class... and Roz (my manager) told me to take it easy tomorrow and not to worry about coming in. Yes! a whole day for homework! Anyways, I thought mom and dadio would love too see my pictures. Have a good one!

love me

PS. The spiders in Queensland are mutated... JUST HUGE!!!

That is my hand and a very big spider just outside to door to our cabin at Cape Tribulation.


Anonymous said...

Well I just sent an Email asking for details & pics - you know me too well & are way ahead of me!!! There is still lots of Vit. E cream here - the knee should be healed enough in July to use it. You still went on the tour? - how did you & bike get back to Robyn's after the tour - do you remember anything from the tour? Concerned Mom who is a long, long, long way away....

Anonymous said...

Nice pics! As Mom said, I have left some vitamin E cream for you. You will be limping for a while I think. Guess the bus might be in order for a bit? Did you perhaps go see a doctor and maybe get an antibiotic? Or dressings? Glad to hear you found a Mom Team to help out!

Anonymous said...

PS - the spider might be a Golden Orb-weaver, its about the right size and shape, but the pic is a little too dark. Go back with the flash on! (lol)! Not poisonous. Did it have a stong golden web?

Anonymous said...

Anne that is one HOT knee! I wish I was there so you can wake me up again to see your injury (like falling out of a tree)!! Anywho..I will still love you and have a blast with everything down there!

Anonymous said...

Did you see any huntsman spiders? Now those things are gross!! Not poisonous but really gross... And huge! The spiders with the skinny legs don't bug me as much as the ones with fat legs like huntsmans. Well, I really hope you get better soon. Heal fast!!

kortney said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww...okay first of all you had to gross me out with your knee picture (which I feel bad for you about, but it's still SICK) and then you had to top it off by posting a picture of a mother spider.

I knocked myself out in the shower not too long ago, because I saw a spider. I would probably die in Australia.

I love you!

Anonymous said...

That is one disgusting picture of your knee!! I must say, it almost made me nausious. But I'm glad your still alive and nothing was harmed to your head!! You are one trooper!!
LUv me!