Saturday, May 20, 2006

My day today :)

This is me in Rutherglen eating my first Australian pie. It's meat pie (not fruit). And it was REALLY good!
The first winery we stopped at for tasting... Campbells.
Shane, Noni, me, and Beck. Beck's hubby John is taking the picture.

This is All saints, the second winery we stopped at. Looks like a castle I reckon.

Noni and I. We're close to our last glass of the day here...

So today I spent the morning at the young ladies tea with the ladies from church. I was the odd one out. The only non-married member. I didn't have too much to add in the conversations... maybe in another 5-7 years. But not now, that's for sure. But there was some good coffee and snacks, so I was distracted :) Then The group of us went to Rutherglen for pies and some wine tasting. Shane wants me to add that I was very pleasently surprised with how good my eat pie was at lunch today. I've never been wine tasting before, and I guess Australia is the place to do it. All the vines were looking quite dead (it being winter here now and all...) But the wines were mostly good. You get a sheet of paper with the "reccomemded tasting order" I didn't like the dry whites or the uh... some of the reds, and some wines were even too sweet for me! and I do not like ports. But I kept the list and drew smiley faces by the ones I liked, so I'll be able to show mom and dad when I get home. So Beck's husband was some sort of medical guy in the army a while back. He was interested in the details of my knee and the "recovery" process thus far. His recomendation is to see a doctor. My knee was feeling pretty buggered after all the walking today... but before that it has been very hot to the touch. around the scrape isn't red or inflamed so I didn't think it was infected... but Noni was even surprised with the heat coming off that knee compared to the other... So she's graciously volujteered to take me to the doctor tomorrow. So I guess we'll get this straightened out. i've been icing lots and the swelling has coe down probablt 50-60% from what it was on wednesday. But Noni reckons it may be red around and I'm just too brown to tell! lol. I dunno about that.. but not to worry. I'll keep you posted with the results of the doctor visit.

love me

happy birthday Julie!


Anonymous said...

Yes, a visit to the doctor sounds like a good idea, I reckon.
My goodness, Anne in a winery? Several wineries???
And now that you are an expert at both, which is better, Australian wine or Australian beer?

Anonymous said...

Wow your hair is looong! GOod work team! I wish my hair was that long...It seems to have stopped growing and I'm the one getting married! Oh well, at least my bridesmaid will be hot! I personally don't like wine but maybe I have just not tried enough to know. I'm no expert like you are now. :) Well take care of your knee!!