Sunday, April 16, 2006


Wednesday morning bright and early... just kidding, it wasn't bright yet. Caught the train from Albury to Melbourne to meet Marcey. We made our travel plans for up the east coast. Marcey had been hanging out with a guy named Roy (ooh la la) and somehow convinced him to drive us to the airport. We stopped for a "lunch" and Marcey and I both tried Australia's version of booster juice. YUM!!! Bit pricey though. We caught our Jet Star flight to Launceston to meet up with Malcolm. This is the guy who was on the Flying Kiwi tour in NZ. He picked us up from the airport and took us to Subway for supper. Then it was off to the Newsboys concert!! There was a strange band playing for the opening... they were... interesting. Then the Newsboys! It was great and I sang along.. then they just stopped! But they came back for two more songs, including the ever famous Breakfast song. So we had loads of fun and My only complaint was it was too short. I tried to find the Newsboys afterwards... but they somehow, very sneakily, ditched out of the theatre before I could find them and get autographs. I guess they're busy guys. Then Mal drove us back to his place in Scotsdale. very small town. Very cute town. Friday morning Marcey and I slept in. Mal took us to his parents vegetable farm during his lunch break. Very cool! SOOOO many onions! Then back to his place for a quick sandwich. He dropped us off at the "eco" information centre. eco is apparently a very popular theme in Australia. So Tasmania is cold. So I maybe bought some Tassie wool to knit myself some mittens. Then Marcey and I scoped out all the sites of Scotsdale... uh, art galary (one room) and a doll museum that cost $11 so we just looked in the gift shop. lol. then we headed to the grocery store to buy food so we could make Mal dinner!! How exciting! After work we went to watch him at his footy practice. Then back to his pad for Anne and Marcey made meal! It was pretty filling. YUMM!!

Next morning bright and early we headed out east for a few short bush walks and then to the coast and his parents "shack" on the beach. It is NOT a shack at all. WOW! We were served hot tea (yes!) and fruit cake. Fruit cake seems to be very popular in OZ. Onward to a waterfall, coastal cliffs, A huge bush walk up some boulders (I say boulders b/c the rocks are so BIG and round!! But they are part of the mountain... so cool!), yeah wine glass bay I think it was called. This is where I saw a walabie. And saw it close. there were two just hopping through the car park. All casual... so I walked up real close and stuck my hand out. I was going to pet it, but then I was afraid he'd bite my finger off or smoething... you never can tell with these wild animals. But I was seriously that close. And they're pretty tall... up to my thigh. hop hop hop! We arrived in Hobart Friday night and went out for a very nice dinner (compliments of Mal) and this was my first Tasmanian red wine. I highly reccomend it. Then back to Mal's sister's pace for some Tim Tam icecream! yummy!!! Up early again to make our way to the Hobart Market. Hobart is Australia's oldest town so the town is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE love love it! Yes, I could move there. And Tasmania as a whole is stunning and absolutley breathtaking around every corner! and has great wine! who could ask for more?? So we spent the morning at the market. very cool. Onward to Port Arthur from there. sweet as place full of history and even a fairy ride... yay (not the sarcasm). Spent the arvo there and then checked into our hostel. Out for dinner again (i had some local veneson) with another bloke we met in the hostel, Peter. He's a freelance writer from Sydney.. quite entertaining.

Sunday Mal surprised us girls with Cadbury Easter eggs! What a guy. We did a few more walks to some incredible rock formations along the peninsula. I seriously love this state. wow. And Mal dropped us off in Hobart on his way back home. Us girls toured ourselves around the Botanical gardens, which also happen to be the best botanical gardens I have ever seen. Then to the harbour for some fish and chips... (or a hamburger if you don't like sea food like me). We checked into our hostel and found a 6pm evening easter service. After church Marcey and I made our way to the grand piano to have a go. While we were sitting there... many people came to hear about our travels... wonder what gave it away that we were Canadian?? Anyways, Joyce and Ed invited us back to their home for a cup of hot Milo by the wood fire. So we went to their house and told travelling stories and heard some in return. We were there quite late and Joyce gave us cadbury easter eggs on our way out to eat on the plane in the morning.

Early morning flight (yes still dark out) from Hobart to Sydney today. Now that we're here, we've locked our bags for the day, hope to find a place to crash at Trev's place (another flying kiwi friend). Then tomorrow is the start of our four day learn to surf camp. We will make our way to Byron Bay during this camp... I'm not sure how big of a gong show me on a surf baord will be... but I'll give it my best go. Pray that no sharks eat me!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Is Tasmania far enough away from Tisdale that Marcey actually ate at Subway? Glad you girls are both finding good times wherever you go. Good luck in all your travels and studies.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds incredible! Karina brought like 12 boxes of Tim Tams home. LOL. I can't wait to try them tomorow. She is going to teach us how to eat them. But apparantly you can buy them in Canada, they are just called something else. I can't believe you're going to surf camp! Sweet as! Karina explained the meaning of that saying to me. LOL. Anyhoos, good luck surfing!!

Anonymous said...

I left Marcey a comment too saying Byron Bay is awesome... I hope you can spend a bit of time there! Have fun surfing... I wish I was there. And what exactly do you mean by "Roy (oh la la)" is there something between Roy and Marcey that she's not telling me? That would be ok though... Roy's a good guy, he drove me to the airport too :) HAve fun and stay safe!