Sunday, January 15, 2006


And I thought Saskatchewan had wind! Nothing like the west coast of the south island. The trees grow slanted from the wind!! It's crazy. The sea here always looks angry. The waves are insane and nobody swims in the ocean.

I have been putting sun block on now, so no more burns for me.

Our first morning with the tour was pretty crazy. Our bus driver has dreads and there's a flower lay on the rear veiw mirrow. the guy plays hippie music... the tour is veryt laid back and to me, seems unorganized... but it is just really laid back. Our first breakfast was interesting. everyone was laughing at "the canadian girls from canadia" (not canada). the foods and cereals, and well, everything has different names, so we don't know what anything is, so we ask before we eat anything. apparently it's shocking that we don't know. our second night camping there was probably the worst storm i've ever tried to sleep through. it was rainning in torrents and was quite windy. I wasn't sure what we were supposed to do, so I thought we'd tough it out until it stopped. 5 hours later it hadn't stopped and the wind started picking up. When the tent poles were blowing down to much that I was getting hit lying down, I decided to make a run for it. I gathered all my stuff (wet and dry) and headed for the cook shelter. i layed out everything wet (my sleeping bag was dry, good purchase, it repelled the water) and then marcey reported that other people were sleeping on the floor in aother shack. so we ran over there., and seriously just running to the next place, a person was completely drentched. It was CRAZY!! And there were deep puddles that a girl doesn't see with arms full of stuff and a little lead lamp to guide her way. so then i was able to sleep for an hour until breakfast. crazy times i tell you. and that same day was our glacier hike. so i was sad that I wasn't going to be very well rested for a nice hike on a large ice cube. but that is what I was really looking forward to, so I had an amazing time anyways. we hiked up the steep mountani beside it until we got to a safe place to start our hike on the ice. we strapped crampons onto our big huge leather boot we had to wear, but were actually great because you could walk through the streams from the waterfalls and not get your feet we). our guide chipped away staris for us to climb. we looked at "mulons" in the ice which is where the water spirals down to the bottom of the glacier. we walked through crevases and found glacier mud... which is debris from the crushed rocks and such and it's basically minerals. so it was a good time. but no caves. and!! we saw parrots! i liked that too.

so now we're in some small random town (there isn't very many towns on the south island at all), there's a green stone factory here. i was pretty excited about this, and it's interesting, but not that big. I was expecting a bit more. and it's bad luck to buy yourself green stoen, so maybe marcey will by me some. I like the $10 pendants... marcey liked the $60 necklaces... so I don't think I'll be buying her any.... lol. but yeah, there's an icecream shop across the street so I think I'm off.

have fun in canada all!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of ice cubes, everyone's cars were ice cubes today. No joke, so it was pretty much like driving in an ice cube and on shear ice. So I guess I kind of got a little tast of climbing an ice glacier. No? Ok maybe not. So those are crazy adventures you guys have had so far. Did all your stuff dry? As long as your sleeping stays dry that is all that matters. Good work on that one! Alright well keep making those Australians laugh and I look forward to your next story! Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne-girl! Glad you and Miss Marcey are having good adventures. I'm enjoying reading them.
Life is a litte goofy here as we're being blasted by a yucky ice/snow storm. It took me ~ 3 hours to get from the farm toLa La Lanigan.
I'd trade our ice in for some glaciar ice.
Keep having fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys are having quite the adventure - and it has only just begun! Hope you have managed to dry out your stuff - guess the weather has made your travelling companions into a cohesive group. Is the bus driver your tour leader or do you have a different guy to lead you?