Sunday, February 26, 2006

Good Morning!

Well, I woke up today with O Canada being sung on the olympics closing ceremonies! What a good morning. Not only because I've heard my home anthem, but becaue I'm moving into my permenent address for the next 4.5-ish months. So here is the address so that everyone and their neighbours dog who all seem to be getting married this summer can start sending wedding invitations! Anyways, I'd love to get a letter from you all. I've been away from home for almost 2 months and I kinda miss you guys *tear*. So I'm moving in today after my night class. I will have a full day at school only to try and move all my stuff into my room at this lady's house at 9:00 when school is finally over for me for the day.

289 Vickers Road
Lavington, NSW

So one full week of school is under my belt and I'm ready to start another. I have one assignment that is already due today. We were supposed to interview someone who we knew as a great leader for my recreation leadership and comminication class. Since I know so many people here, let alone great leaders, I had too many people to chose from, I couldn't decide who to interview. So I went to my profs office and told her she was the greatest leaderd I knew in all of Australia! Man did that ever put her on the spot! So I used my great interviewing techniques I learned from SaskPower and she was very impressed with my interview. lol. I'm not sure if this will be good for my mark... or not so good. I'll have to wiat and find out I guess. So if anyone also wants my land line number, send me an e-mail and I'll tell you. Hope you are all enjoying where you are. I was SO VERY happy with the rain this weekend. It didn't rain like back home... it was very light rain here. on and off for an entire day. not even hard enough to wear a rain coat (or a coat really at all). But it cooled off the air so I could at least bear it! Probably to the mid 20's.
Also, if anyone wants to send some Timmy Ho's to me at my new address, I'd probably love you forever. :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Andrew and April on the side of the raod when we thought we were lost... just a quick back track to get to the turn we missed. Only added about 20 min to our time. Raod trippin with Simo driving on the opposite side of the road!! Needless to say... I wasn't asked to help drive.If you look closely you can see some blue and white in the water and a circle of bubbles. That is Simo and Andrew SCUBA diving.
And us girls enjoying some icecream while the boys played with the fish.

April and I walked out to the "island" in the ocean as the tide was coming in... we didn't have much time for picture before we would have had to swim back to shore!
April, Sarah, Andrew and Simo boarding our dolphin watching boat.

Some rocky things looking out from the boat.

Three of the six dolphins we saw.

One of those dolpins jumping out of the water.

Ah, the perfect sunset to end the perfect weekend.

Story of the day: Merimbula

I am now educated in the ways of Aussie wild life!! Let me tell you about the adventure this weekend up to Merimbula Beach. 5 of us from school all went to this beach for the weekend. The water is blue and beautiful! On the drive there we saw a kangaroo jump right across the road right in front of us!! It was so cool. We saw loads of bunnies and foxes too. Even a bat flew into our window at one point. It was a 6 hour drive because we had to drive on the curvy roads to get through the Great Dividing Range! My tummy wasn’t a very happy camper.
Once we got there it was bed time. But the morning brought on new adventures. The boys were all geared up for SCUBA diving and us ladies were looking forward to a great beach weekend. The sky had other plans. It was cloudy and a bit windy all weekend. So not that great for sitting on the beach. We spent the day looking in the different shops, walking along the coast of the “inlet” where the town is to the ocean side. I spotted a crab and jumped down to see if I could chase it out of its hiding place so I could get a better picture. April (originally from Ontario) thought it was hilarious and has a picture of “Anne the crab hunter”. Whatever, I think I’m cool.
That night we all went to play some mini golf. This is where I saw my first possum ever! They’re pretty cute critters.
Next day we were off for our sea adventure. We booked a dolphin watching boat ride. It was great!!! So crazy when we were actually boating out into the ocean! Something I’ve never done before. Just straight out… away from all land… into nothing but… ocean! Crazy. So we were looking down and saw jelly fish… and then looking up to see all these birds. Apparently this is how you tell where the dolphins are. So we found the dolphins. It was incredible!!! So cool!! Apparently dolphins like to play in the water that the boat displaces when we move along so there were 6 dolphins playing right up front where I was standing! I loved to see then twist in the water and show off their bellies. It was also cool when they jumped out of the water and jumped over each other and well, it was pretty much just completely mesmerizing to watch they play in general. It was so cool. The on our way back to the harbour… we saw a hammerhead shark!!! Who does that!!! I was so scared and so excited all at the same time! It wasn’t really big… but I sure had never seen a wild shark before. Then for lunch we ate at this fish and chips place… which thankfully served sandwiches, their only non- greasy item on the menu. And for dessert, a SINGLE scoop cone. Single in Australia means 1 litre. WOW!! I was in heaven. I love ice-cream and I sure just ate the biggest cone I’ve ever even seen in my live. It was soooo heavenly!
Now let me tell you about the drive home. Yes, another 6 hrs… but this seems to be the best time for spotting wildlife. Back through the Great Dividing Range and back into kangaroo land. I can’t even count how many I saw! It was so cool to watch then hop across the road! Very cool. I also saw two wombats. And four wild horses! Apparently they have loads of them in the mountains here. And needless to say… loads more bunnies.
What a great weekend. Now school has started and I’m not in vacation mode anymore. Study time. But since I picked all the “adventure eco” classes… well, today we mostly talked about the trips our classes will be taking!! J Did I mention how much I love Australia!?

Thursday, February 09, 2006


This is who I met early morning yesterday morning. Pretty special!
This is the picture I took from the train when we were stopped for oh so long. But this is pretty much what it looks like in Albury too.
Here is Pepper, the friendly 4 month old kitty who lives with Shane and Noni.

some photos for thought

Ben (from Germany), Marcey (very sunburnt), Trevor (from Sydney), Me all at Coogee beach two days ago. We met these guys on the bus tour in NZ and were staying at Ben's house while in Sydney.

Marcey and I inside the Sydney Opera House. Falstaf, a comedy, good show. So good.

Opera houes at night. (using my "night portrait" setting on my camera, thanks Dad :)
Sydney Harbour bridge. We walked across here after the opera was done. Very pretty with all the lights.

Albury, my new home?

Anne's solo adventure began today. I left Sydney on a train (which actually broke down in the middle of nowhere and we sat there (with no power ie air conditioning) for an hour and a half. boo. but I watched the scenery turn from gree and full of trees, to less trees, to brown and a few trees and it looked like that for the rest of the trip. and it looks like that in Albury. Shane and Noni, a couple from the Lutheran church here in Albury, met me at the train station and took me home for a BBQ. I'll be staying here until I find a place of my own in a week or so I guess. It was a lonely trip today without my travelling buddy, but we text messaged eachother with our mobiles. which by the way, I have a new number. Kristen's only phone need a new SIM card for it to work I guess (so no Kristen I didn;'t get your text). So my new number it 0434 838 191. you'll still have to dial the country code and all that like before... but cal me if you're going into Anne withdrawl. Or you can send me a text too! What else? Oh, yes Julie, my tummy is that brown too... maybe a little lighter, but yeah, I'm dark. Last night getting ready for the opera was the first time in a month I had actually looked at myself in a mirror for longer than to check to see if i had food in my teeth. I almost didn't recognize myself. and yeah, I was shocked to see that picture too. Marcey says I look like I'm from a differnt race. So I fit in with the Maori people pretty well. lol. Well, I have a few more pictures I'd like to get on here in the next few days... so stay tuned! Especially the one of the Aussie spider I saw today!! I was pretty excited, Marcey was not. Shane and Noni also have a new kitten, so I'm loveing it here. This cat actually likes to play with me!! :)
take care!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Our Kiwi friends

Marcey, Max, Anne, Joan :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

In Sydney!

OK, just to keep you all updated... We arrived safe and sound in Sydney on an insanely early flight. Marcey is NOT a morning person (even compared to me). So the beach was beautiful, the water was clear and really warm. We played in the lake and burried ourselves in sand. good fun. then Andy took us to a natural hot spring for the locals. MArcey was grossed out there because there were floaties in the water and she saw a rat. So we didn't stay long. We also stopped beside a random tree by the road becaseu there was a plaque there. some Moari woman left her baby there for some reason one time and now it's a lucky tree. weird. anyways. that night there was a concert in Rotorua.. some city party of sorts. well it was really spectacular and the firworks at the end were INSANE!!! WOW! I will never see another show that good I'm sure. wow. On our way back to the hostle.. ha. we stopped at the Fuze again to so our favorite kiwi regge band. they were playing two nights. so we danced it up. On the bands first break the lead piano player come over to talk to me. kinda cool becaseu he's got dreads and all. so we talked about music and how we were leaving for Auckland in the morning. Well that's where the band was from (all brothers) and they were playing there on Monday in a park. so he gave us his number so we could hang out in Auckland and come watch them play again. So we did. It was sweet. such nice guys.
Now we have a today and tomorrow together in Sydney (Marcey and I). Then I'm going to Albury for school and Marcey is getting a job in Wagga Wagga most likely. So we will not continue our adventures together. Unless she plans to meet up with me for my 3 week spring break.
Don't get mad... I'm black. and my sunscrean exploded in my bag yesterday. what a mess.
OH! And Joan and Max made us a raost lamb last night with sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, something that's like spinach, gravy, and veges. wow. WOW!! was that good or what! I am sad to leave Joan and Max behind. They are truely amazing people!
so the NZ chapter is closed and the OZ one begins!! Stay tunned!

Oh yes, and glow worms are worms that cling to the side of wet caves and there's one dot (on their butt??) that glows on them. not like fire flys. the zorb thing is a vidoe that will be sent all over the world to countries that are wanting to see what NZ is about or are thinking about getting a zorb. I heard surrey?? BC is thinking about it. cheers

Friday, February 03, 2006

Marcey's Dream Zorb

Well, when was the last time I bragged about the free things my amazing legs and stunning personality have gotten me?? OK, so Marcey has wanted to go zorbing and been obsessed with it for AGES!!! so yesterday was the day. Zorbing. So I said I'd go in it with f\her for one, and then she would do the zig zag course once herself. Paid and all suited up, we are "shuttled" up to the top of the hill. We get there and you have to dive into this tiny hole to get into the zorb. I was SO SO SO nervous!!! So scared. So Becasue I'm a pansy, we went to the back of the line because I didn't want a bunch of people to watch me fall of something embarrasing. So the zorb for us arrives (via zorb chair lift) and it's clear, so we were thinking sweet az, but the clear one is the new one and tourism NZ was there yesterday filming for their promo video. So we were filmed in our zorb ride. But not only that... they wanted to do it again, from a different angle. and since it was the clear ball, it had to be the same people because you can see right in. So needless to say, I was zorbed out by the end of the day. 6 zorb rides for the price of opne. Man it's hard being a movie star! I'm ready for my close up now. lol. And then the busses weren't running anymore, so we got a ride into town to our hostel from one of the workers.
And one of the guys working at the zorb place... well, i'm not sure who he took a fancy to, but he invited us out to the bar he's a bouncer at in Rotorua last night. We went. It was the BEST ever!! Such a Regge band was playing. we danced the night away. Now he's taking us to the beach today.