Monday, December 18, 2006


Well, yes.. the final went well and I got a good mark in the class and my average went up, so that's all good. But this isn't the "surprise". I'm talking about the phone call I got on Thursday right after lunch which turned my humble Thursday into the most stressful day of life. Ever. Well, did I mention that I went to a job interview a few weeks ago now? The Sask Public Service Commission called me and said they had a job and thought of me so they wanted to interview me. So I went, thinking "I'm signed up for classes, but you can never have enough interview practice". I thought the interview went horribly. It was a small room and VERY hot and I felt sick of hearing myself talk so much. But the Thursday phone call was the job offer. Now I don't know how to say no... most of you should know that, so I didn't say no... and that was interpreted as "yes I accept the position" So I was told when my start date and time was. Yikes! I was stressed through the roof! What was I to do? I was expected to start working for this place and I really didn't want to be! So after a very stressful day and evening, I came to the conclusion that the reason I didn't want to job was because it would POSSIBLY put me behind a semester of school and I wouldn't get a spring break, or a very long Christmas one for that matter... and it's a pay cut for me too... But this opportunity is good because I will gain experience in HR (what I tell people I'm majoring in), in a role that I don't have experience with yet, and at the PSC which is fabulous on an HR type resume... So I figured that yes, I would like this job because I feel the benefits outweigh the negatives. So I will be starting work with a new place starting Jan 3. They wanted me to start 8am on Jan 2. I arrive back on the bus from St. Louis on Jan 2 at 6am... so I asked to start a day later.

I must also mention that I performed a routine at this years Silver Bells Ball. It went well, and the ball was an absolute blast. I danced with a few new fella's and some were even cute! After the very delightful ball a few of us went to a bar that has salsa nights on Saturdays. Dang! Can I dance now! Mike Milette showed me a thing or two on the floor. Yes, I was sweating like a horse and felt very unattractive and everyone else probably thought the same thing... but I had an absolute blast! Until some creepy guy started dancing with me and none of my friends came so my rescue... again with the "no" saying problem!!! But other than that, it was awesome! I'll probably be a professional ballroom dancer when I grow up....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I survived!

Whew, talk about stress and a half! Study the multiple choice questions on-line all night. Then I get up early to catch a flight to S'toon. Get there, no time for coffee :( Start the full day of meetings. Can barely keep my eyes open (literally) for some training computer thinger that will be implemented in January, clearly after I'm gone... Then it's lunch time and we go to John's. It is very much like a Diplomat/Gulfs combination. Very nice. We did a little "gift card" exchange. I must say I got the best one because Marion added a tree ornament shaped as a gingerbread man with hers (the one I got) and it's for HBC. I'm thinking... home outfitters. Then I leave a meeting early to get a cab to the "hanger" we're taking off from. Get there, tell them my name, get myself a coffee and granola bar (I love West Wind). Then the plane is 15 min late!! I was stressing about it all day and then it actually happened! Dang! So then we finally get on and I'm thinking, maybe we can just go super super fast, and we'll still get there on time. NOPE! We definitely sat on the runway in line for another 15 min! Sure was 30 min later than I planned on being! So I'm stressed, drive to school, crazy long line for a tuna sandwich, run upstairs, trip (no I didn't really, but that would have been funny), try to check the computer to see which room my final is in, computer doesn't work, try another one, kick a chair on my way there making aloud noise which caused students to look at me, write on my hand the room number with the new highlighter I got today, back to the sandwich line, no line, get food, go over notes again, the tuna brain food didn't help. Wrote the final and was so kicking myself for having the flu the last day of class!! Should have brought a puke bucket with me and gone to class anyways. Would have maybe been better prepared for the format of the final. Should know my mark on Friday. Have no idea how I did. And that was my day. whew.

Tomorrow it's over to Julie's to decorate her tree! And drink cappuccino's!! Yay!

Monday, December 11, 2006


What a perfect time to blog again, when I'm procrastinating. I have a final tomorrow. I thought I would wait until my work term got better so I would have something nice to write... but I guess that was taking too long since I only have 9 working days left until the semester is over and I still haven't written.
So the work term has been ... uh... challenging. Maybe not the working environment of choice, but I have had a few interesting experiences. One notable one being the week I spent at Agribition. I was in the International Business Centre all week. This means it was mostly full of international business men. I was the youngest female there by 20 years. I'll let your imagination do the rest... I have had one old guy from N. Ireland try to contact me a few times now. Of all the people I exchanged business cards with... why him?? Why not a young, hot business man who isn't creepy mc creep creep?
So now that work term is dying down, I'm gearing up for Christmas!! I have a few "creative" ideas for Christmas presents this year... I'll let you know how they turn out.
I sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel at my church's Advent Music festival last night. A few people had positive comments, so I may even consider doing a solo again. Practice makes perfect right??
The Regina Ballroom Dancing Club Ball is on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm a part of the women's meringue routine. Should be a good time!
And after all the excitement of Christmas is over, I'm jetting out of here on a bus. midnight of Christmas Day. I'm heading for St. Louis for Urbana. I've never been before, but I've heard only good things about it. It's a student mission convention. I've found out that Ben from CLBI will be going too!! So that makes me not so scared... hopefully he and I can connect down there, that would be sweet!
And with that, I guess I should maybe go study. Wish me luck! I have to fly to S'toon for work tomorrow morning and back at 4pm, arriving in Regina (hopefully) at 4:45pm. My final starts at the opposite side of town at 7pm. Talk about stress!! Man I hope the plane isn't delayed.